@Visit Japan Visit Japan: Where’s your favorite place to beat the heat of summer? Beautifully clear water… July 15, 2022
@Visit Japan Visit Japan: Ever seen a shrine with so many gulls flying around it? A large colony of black… July 14, 2022
@Visit Japan Visit Japan: How many of your toys were made of wood when you were younger? A trip to the To… July 13, 2022
@Visit Japan Visit Japan: What’s the loveliest beach along a railway you’ve ever seen? Ride Enoshima Elec… July 12, 2022
@Visit Japan Visit Japan: Have you ever experienced a real Japanese garden teahouse? In a little green co… July 7, 2022
@Visit Japan Visit Japan: What’s the closest you’ve ever felt to nature while strolling on a bridge? Visi… July 6, 2022
@Visit Japan Visit Japan: Do you know where the sun sets the latest in Japan? Japan’s westernmost island … July 5, 2022
@Visit Japan Visit Japan: What sort of natural plant art have you seen before? In 2015, the Guinness Book… July 4, 2022
@Visit Japan Visit Japan: What’s the oldest temple you know of? Chogakuji Temple in Nara Prefecture is pa… July 1, 2022
@Visit Japan Visit Japan: Care for a leisurely ride on beautifully clear blue waters? Lake Shikaribetsu i… June 30, 2022
@Visit Japan Visit Japan: What are your favorite hiking spots? The fresh verdant forests around Watarase … June 29, 2022
@Visit Japan Visit Japan: How many lovely lotus flowers do you see floating in the pond? Iga Hachimangu S… June 28, 2022