Travel Backyard of Senshuji Temple #japan #tokyo #temple #japanesetemple #temples #travel #shrines #castle September 16, 2023
Travel Senshuji Temple #Japan #tokyo #temple #japanesetemple #travel #japanlovers #japanlover #japantravel September 8, 2023
@Japan Travel Japan Travel: A teru teru bozu is a small traditional doll made of paper or cloth that is inte… June 22, 2021
@Japan Travel Japan Travel: Happy New Year, everyone! Did anyone get up early today to watch the first sunri… January 1, 2021
@Japan Travel Japan Travel: Set back against a wall of greenery, Tochigi Prefecture’s Ashikaga Orihime Shrin… August 1, 2020
@Japan Travel Japan Travel: We’re riding the hydrangea train for as long as we can! Fukuoka’s Dazaifu Tenma… June 22, 2020
@Japan Travel Japan Travel: We’re gearing up for the rainy season hydrangeas that bring color to this time o… May 21, 2020
@Japan Travel Japan Travel: Copy and paste, paste, paste, paste! You’ll find an impressive 123 torii gates a… May 4, 2020
@Japan Travel Japan Travel: These are “ema” – the plaques you’ll find hanging at shrines with people’s praye… March 19, 2020
@Japan Travel Japan Travel: Mie Prefecture’s Ise Jingu is one of Japan’s busiest shrines, but you’ll always … March 6, 2020