Unbelievable! Nobody was watching the store, especially the expensive items like alcohol and electronics! There are various ways to pay, including cash, JR Suica train card, and more. To experience how smooth the automated cashiers work, I suggest cash. Very cool!


  1. If that shit was in the US you gonna see people robbing it in broad daylight, don't put that shit near them

  2. It honestly depends where you live. In my town, most people would pay because they have the means to do so. Kids would be the number 1 offenders and a select few white karens who feel entitled to everything would come second. Black people would be hesitant at first because that shit would look like a trap to them until they see a white person steal with no consequences.

    If you go to larger towns or poorer communities than mine, yeah, everything would be gone. If you go to smaller communities where most people are employed and everyone knows each other then it would probably work.

  3. The honor system with a side of cctv from every angle, each item you look at recorded on a database, everytime you pickup an item you get charged for it before leavin the store without you knowing it and a hint of social credit score…. sounds great

  4. There was an honor system vending machine at my dad's job. You just left the money in the jar and got the snack directly out of the box it was shipped in.

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