1. Đầu bếp gì cây dao nào cũng lục toàn bộ 3cây đều lục hết cắt cá cù cưa cù nhầy

  2. ножи точить – не неслышали…
    всю рыбу изорвали😵‍💫

  3. Зачем показывать как убиваете 😢😢,смотрят не только взрослые,но и ребенок может зайти,речь шла о приготовлении, а не оубтйстве.

  4. I think you're all a bit stupid. Can this be? As you can see, the moray eel has a very strong backbone. This would dull and break any knife. So he uses a kind of meat cleaver combined with the stick to cut the moray eel into pieces. When filleting afterwards, the knives could be a little sharper, but as you can see, it's enough.

  5. At least severe the spinal cord dont just bludgeoning it. Quick and painless

  6. Compared to the Japanese fish cutting I've seen on youtube, this looks like an unclean environment with primitive tools and dull knives. But that is an energetic eel. He kept trying to get away.

  7. There's something magical about your food. I appreciate your efforts; I was wondering if you could share a video of you cooking with KHAL viewers. I would love to tip you on your recipes..🥰🤞👩🏻‍🍳😋😋😋


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