1. Ikan haruan+buah setol+ buah tembikal+asam buah celagi+serai kayu +daum limau purok dan perasa2 masakkan..malay🇲🇾

  2. At the beginning, fishes are like "happy, happy, happy"
    *Club in the head
    X_x, X_x, X_x…

  3. 那個湯頭很搞剛,不過看起來很好喝。不知道在台灣有沒有類似的料理?

  4. Affs não conseguir ver o vídeo todo já pela primeira forma de m@t4r , uma pancada na cabeça e depois várias f@c4d@ no bichinho 😭😭

  5. We have Snakehead fish here in Somalia.
    Some people release them into rivers and they takeover the whole river.
    They are tasty fish though.

  6. スネークヘッド❓雷魚ですか❓私、日本で雷魚釣り愛好家です。可哀想で、食べられません🙅

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