Indonesian street food – In this video, I will take you on an Indonesian street food tour of Tangerang, Indonesia.
To start our Indonesian street food tour in Tangerang, Indonesia, we went to a local restaurant to have the ultimate grilled chicken feast.
To continue our Indonesian street food tour in Tangerang, Indonesia, we went to a warung selling the local famous Nasi Jagal. It was insane!
Moving on with our Indonesian street food tour in Tangerang, Indonesia, we went to have the famous Laksa Tangerang.
Our Indonesian street food tour in Tangerang, Indonesia, continues and we went to a family-run business to enjoy the traditional Betawi food.
To continue our Indonesian street food tour in Tangerang, Indonesia, we had some monster size Bakpao sold from the back of a car.
To end our Indonesian street food tour in Tangerang, Indonesia, we had the most insane meal in Tangerang, the monster-size beef trotter soup called Sop kaki gragot.
Hope you guys enjoyed our Indonesian street food tour in Tangerang, Indonesia.
Stay tuned for more street food videos like this.
2-Kuliner Nasi Jagal Ibu Zahra Tangerang
3-Kuliner Laksa Tangerang
4-Sayur Asem Wati
5-Bakpao Elfin
6-Soto Mie & Soto Kaki Sapi Djadoel Pak H. Yanto
Buongiorno guys, I’m Max Ginestra.
I’ve always had a dream to travel for food around the world.
I believe that through food we can deeply explore new cultures, traditions and get to know the people.
In this channel, Abroad and Hungry, I will share my passion for street food, local and traditional cuisine.
Buongiorno guys!!
Which dish should I try? 👇👇👇
Neh bule usus perutnya udah kena racun mkanan INDONESIA, habis mkan ayam bakar + nasinya eh mkan lagi nasi jagal.semoga perutnya makin buncit mister.pertanda makmur…..
Saya jadi ikutan lapar kalo liat vlog ini..🤤🤤…selalu blg enak ke owner nya..semoga sukses untuk channel ini dan bisa banyak subscriber nya🙏❤
Wow bravo thx you….gracias l share all utube my lndo n all iny lmo okay l lobe its mamamia l love italy the great ones wallah sjukran mercy ❤😂🎉
thank you sir,,, hope you are always healthy and successful…God protect you❤
Kayaknya enak banget bikin ngiler yakin ….mantaap banget….
yess yesss indonesian food mantaaaaap
bondan winarno versi italy 👍
Makanan yg sangat enak …mantap sekali 🙏👍👍
Mantap expresi yg bagus. . .dan santun yg bagus seperti orang indonesia
Enak bang? Uda cobain pizza indo cocol sambal ato kecap manis? Lebih suka mana bang?😅
It is recorded that there are more than 5,300 authentic Indonesian dishes. from Sabang (Indonesian goods) to Meroke (eastern Indonesia)
Mamma Mia!
sei gentilissimo raga!!! one of the top best channel (not only food channel) out there!! Your work deserves huge rewards & subs…such underrated channel…im subbing, n really looking forward to have at least 17M…keep it up brooo
Mantab bang 😁👍
Lanjutkan kuliner indonesia
Nasi jagal
wow near of my home, you should trough to the north from there you're will find sate bandeng and aftere that place you must heading to the west trough thatplace you will find good sea food ……
❤U so much Max..
You are D'Best Food Vlogger
MR Botak Heafun In indonesian😇🤣😁👏
Halo… adiosss mamamia… hiii
Hai you are a super friendly Adioosss, you are very understanding and have in common a local loves spicy. so far for my self ,it's a must watch for me every time to open your channel on youtube,
There are two channels i love it first you are brother, very friendly Italian friends and secondly Bohemian Food. both are so friendly.
oh yahh if you want to give a compliment in Indonesian regarding the sambel,
just say "SAMBELNYA UWENAK" add a little behind it "saya suka sambalnya or sotonya"
1. If it's really illegal level "saya sangat suka ….."
2. And if it's super duper illegal "SAYA SANGAT SUKA SEKALI …. sambalnya/bebeknya/sotonya etc"
salam berteman dari anak 90an.
Yaampun si bapak yang terakhir lucu amat wokaokawok
Have u visited to Manado?
Dirimu yg makan, aku yg ngiler.
Bang cobain makanan khas subang. ayam bubuy mak atik di subang jawa barat
Hey.. do you live in indonesia?
watch u eat makes me wanna eat any food 😀
Ini d dkt rmh ku jug ma bule d bintaro nama'a soto djadoel haji Yanto
Sukses selalu ya dan terimakasih sudah memperkenslkan kepada dunia akan mssakan tradisional indonesia …
Mantap itu Bang, sop kaki sapinya….lunak dan kenyal ❤
Your bahasa melayu Indonesia excellent 👍
Watching his brother eat makes me 🤤🤤🤤
Выглядит очень слабым и вкусным
Pa Yanto: tuu kepala bagus banget tuhh.. 🤣🤣ini kakinya dr US makanya bersih2 maennya di mall, kl yg indonesia 😂😂😂😂😂ini rebus pulang pergi Jakarta Bandung PP 🤣🤣kamsia 🤣🤣
So great food Indonesia
Indah dan beautiful nice❤
Mama Mia , andiamo…. Sukses for you
what did i like from this man is his indonesian speak is insane , and his knowledge about the food what he ate is next level , very different from another foreign vlogger i knew
Welcome home Mr
You really eat local, that's awesome.
Tangerang city represents! 😅
Awak orang Itali ya
Lovely ❤