1. This seems a little like a waste of good lobster meat especially combining it with pork fat. Isnt it just lobster donuts with pork flavour?

  2. What is the purpose of putting ice inside the container with the lobster? I'm just curious.

  3. 1:28 she has a notch on her tail so she was a breeder lobster…are they not illegal to catch?

  4. Sometimes i feel Thai chefs don’t know what they are doing. They just try to make sense out of something and at the end just fry everything and lay on the table. 😂

  5. Just throw the whole lobster in there the oil while it’s still alive and kicking, that guarantees freshness!

  6. its like the same account posting the same video with a differnt channel logo. pretty sure all these travel food channels are shared content recycled

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