Travel Thai Food – FRIED RAINBOW LOBSTER DONUTS Aoywaan Bangkok Seafood Thailand May 19, 2023 37 Comments James Patagueule 2 years ago Homer love this donuts ! Yucel Avci 2 years ago Vicdansız kâfirler için yaşasın cehennem Yörük Kızı Geziyor 2 years ago Amazing 👍👍 Ethopiryna 2 years ago This seems a little like a waste of good lobster meat especially combining it with pork fat. Isnt it just lobster donuts with pork flavour? 張星震 2 years ago 第一種龍蝦 第二種螯蝦 好像是這樣 Gene Simmons 2 years ago You never see an electric cooktop ever being used in cooking at the restaurants in these videos. Zombie Sheep of the Apocalypse 2 years ago Is there a construction site right next to this place? Rosario de Fátima Mateos 2 years ago Asesinos!!!!😢 anna lewis 2 years ago i love lobster 😋❤🧡💛💚💙 Helen Rideout 2 years ago I enjoy watching skilled workers at work. Why do I love meat so but also animals. Eric Lokollo 2 years ago Thailand❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Peach Sal Dailyfood 2 years ago Wow 💯👍❤🥰 yk WK 2 years ago Where is this market? N A 2 years ago And that will be 1 million dollars pkmnmaster29 2 years ago PRESS 3 🤪👍👍👍👍👍👍👍🔪🦞🦞 Sinbat Siraseranant 2 years ago Most expensive tod mun ever. Using live lobsters to make this appetizer. They are usually made with fish or shrimp. CUTTING STORE 2 years ago Congratulations from Bangladesh ศาสตรสดาจารย์ เจริญพุง 2 years ago เอากุ้งมังกร กุ้งล้อบเตอร์ มาทำทอดมันกุ้ง เนี้ยนะ ร้านนี้ทำเสียของหลายอย่างแล้ว เสียดายของดีๆของสดๆ Grady Browning 2 years ago I love Deep fried Lobster, one of my favorite ways to eat it!👍 Gian gian 2 years ago sorry what is the name this restaurant Natalie 'MsCrzySxyCool' Harris 2 years ago Does anyone know what that particular knife is called…he’s shaving the skin? Daniela Pereira 2 years ago 🇧🇷😋😍 magnífico NyxErebus 2 years ago Oh wow! That guy’s knife is hella sharp! 😮 Locola 2 years ago What is the purpose of putting ice inside the container with the lobster? I'm just curious. X X 2 years ago 1:28 she has a notch on her tail so she was a breeder lobster…are they not illegal to catch? กิตติเชษฐ์ วสุเลิศพัฒนคุณ 2 years ago ร้านไหนทำครับได้ไม่ไป เอากล้ามล๊อบเสตอร์มา สับคิดได้ไง เป็นการ ลดคุณค่าวัตถุดิบสุดๆ dazuoTV 2 years ago Rainbow lobster fried donuts look delicious, I want to eat 👍 Hamza Rampurawala 2 years ago Sometimes i feel Thai chefs don’t know what they are doing. They just try to make sense out of something and at the end just fry everything and lay on the table. 😂 Кореш Корешков 2 years ago 8:14 Димооон!! المخلص فقط JESUS 2 years ago J.esus Christ, , , Returns, repent of sin and change your Way of living… Y..A,,H.. is a egipt DEMON, BEWARE … (HalleluJAH is a PAGAN word) Joseph Scroggins 2 years ago What a hack job from this guy! Wow, you guys have been to much better places.But, dang those do look good! T Pp 2 years ago Just throw the whole lobster in there the oil while it’s still alive and kicking, that guarantees freshness! SBN 2 years ago So inhumane นิรนาม BL 2 years ago This channel makes me hungry all the time. 😋😛 🌴 Simple Travel 🌴 2 years ago Thanks you John Mondal 2 years ago Where is the fried tail of the prawn AH HiveTyrant 2 years ago its like the same account posting the same video with a differnt channel logo. pretty sure all these travel food channels are shared content recycledWrite A CommentYou must be logged in to post a comment.
Ethopiryna 2 years ago This seems a little like a waste of good lobster meat especially combining it with pork fat. Isnt it just lobster donuts with pork flavour?
Gene Simmons 2 years ago You never see an electric cooktop ever being used in cooking at the restaurants in these videos.
Helen Rideout 2 years ago I enjoy watching skilled workers at work. Why do I love meat so but also animals.
Sinbat Siraseranant 2 years ago Most expensive tod mun ever. Using live lobsters to make this appetizer. They are usually made with fish or shrimp.
ศาสตรสดาจารย์ เจริญพุง 2 years ago เอากุ้งมังกร กุ้งล้อบเตอร์ มาทำทอดมันกุ้ง เนี้ยนะ ร้านนี้ทำเสียของหลายอย่างแล้ว เสียดายของดีๆของสดๆ
Natalie 'MsCrzySxyCool' Harris 2 years ago Does anyone know what that particular knife is called…he’s shaving the skin?
Locola 2 years ago What is the purpose of putting ice inside the container with the lobster? I'm just curious.
X X 2 years ago 1:28 she has a notch on her tail so she was a breeder lobster…are they not illegal to catch?
กิตติเชษฐ์ วสุเลิศพัฒนคุณ 2 years ago ร้านไหนทำครับได้ไม่ไป เอากล้ามล๊อบเสตอร์มา สับคิดได้ไง เป็นการ ลดคุณค่าวัตถุดิบสุดๆ
Hamza Rampurawala 2 years ago Sometimes i feel Thai chefs don’t know what they are doing. They just try to make sense out of something and at the end just fry everything and lay on the table. 😂
المخلص فقط JESUS 2 years ago J.esus Christ, , , Returns, repent of sin and change your Way of living… Y..A,,H.. is a egipt DEMON, BEWARE … (HalleluJAH is a PAGAN word)
Joseph Scroggins 2 years ago What a hack job from this guy! Wow, you guys have been to much better places.But, dang those do look good!
T Pp 2 years ago Just throw the whole lobster in there the oil while it’s still alive and kicking, that guarantees freshness!
HiveTyrant 2 years ago its like the same account posting the same video with a differnt channel logo. pretty sure all these travel food channels are shared content recycled
Homer love this donuts !
Vicdansız kâfirler için yaşasın cehennem
Amazing 👍👍
This seems a little like a waste of good lobster meat especially combining it with pork fat. Isnt it just lobster donuts with pork flavour?
第一種龍蝦 第二種螯蝦 好像是這樣
You never see an electric cooktop ever being used in cooking at the restaurants in these videos.
Is there a construction site right next to this place?
i love lobster 😋❤🧡💛💚💙
I enjoy watching skilled workers at work. Why do I love meat so but also animals.
Wow 💯👍❤🥰
Where is this market?
And that will be 1 million dollars
PRESS 3 🤪👍👍👍👍👍👍👍🔪🦞🦞
Most expensive tod mun ever. Using live lobsters to make this appetizer. They are usually made with fish or shrimp.
Congratulations from Bangladesh
เอากุ้งมังกร กุ้งล้อบเตอร์ มาทำทอดมันกุ้ง เนี้ยนะ ร้านนี้ทำเสียของหลายอย่างแล้ว เสียดายของดีๆของสดๆ
I love Deep fried Lobster, one of my favorite ways to eat it!👍
sorry what is the name this restaurant
Does anyone know what that particular knife is called…he’s shaving the skin?
🇧🇷😋😍 magnífico
Oh wow! That guy’s knife is hella sharp! 😮
What is the purpose of putting ice inside the container with the lobster? I'm just curious.
1:28 she has a notch on her tail so she was a breeder lobster…are they not illegal to catch?
ร้านไหนทำครับได้ไม่ไป เอากล้ามล๊อบเสตอร์มา สับคิดได้ไง เป็นการ ลดคุณค่าวัตถุดิบสุดๆ
Rainbow lobster fried donuts look delicious, I want to eat 👍
Sometimes i feel Thai chefs don’t know what they are doing. They just try to make sense out of something and at the end just fry everything and lay on the table. 😂
8:14 Димооон!!
J.esus Christ, , , Returns, repent of sin and change your Way of living… Y..A,,H.. is a egipt DEMON, BEWARE … (HalleluJAH is a PAGAN word)
What a hack job from this guy! Wow, you guys have been to much better places.
But, dang those do look good!
Just throw the whole lobster in there the oil while it’s still alive and kicking, that guarantees freshness!
So inhumane
This channel makes me hungry all the time. 😋😛
Thanks you
Where is the fried tail of the prawn AH
its like the same account posting the same video with a differnt channel logo. pretty sure all these travel food channels are shared content recycled