Greetings my dear friends, we are here now. Every Friday, we share our wonderful meals that we cook in nature, in wood fire. We are waiting for all food lovers👋
Приветствую вас мои дорогие друзья, теперь мы здесь. Каждую пятницу мы делимся нашими замечательными блюдами, которые мы готовим на природе, в дровах. Ждем всех любителей еды👋
Saudações meus queridos amigos, estamos aqui agora. Todas as sextas-feiras compartilhamos nossas maravilhosas refeições que cozinhamos na natureza, em fogo de lenha. Aguardamos todos os amantes da comida👋
Saludos mis queridos amigos, estamos aquí ahora. Todos los viernes, compartimos nuestras maravillosas comidas que cocinamos en la naturaleza, en fuego de leña. Esperamos a todos los amantes de la comida 👋
Halo teman-teman, kami sekarang ada di youtube. Kami memasak makanan lezat di alam, api kayu, dan membagikannya setiap hari Jumat pukul 19.00. Kami menyambut semua pecinta makanan di saluran kami👋
Grüße meine Freunde, wir sind jetzt auf YouTube. Wir teilen unsere einzigartigen Gerichte, die wir jeden Freitag in der Natur am Holzfeuer kochen. Wir warten auf alle Feinschmecker 👋
Such an intereting material! Squid in it's own Ink! That's a first for me! Those Squids are also called Sepya by the way , a kind of sub Spiecies of Squid that are much smaller than their Oceanic cousins but have a smoother texture and a better taste , the only two drawbacks is that they take a longer time to clean as they have to be skinned the way you skin a Beef liver , and it can be hard to avoid popping & squirting their Ink sacks while cleaning them , the 2nd drawback is that they shrink alot during coocking and give alot of juice in the process, so make sure to buy double quantity especially if you have a large family, don't worry, they aren't expensive if you live in a country that has a Sea
Das sieht einfach nur ekelhaft aus
Ngon quá❤
Greetings my dear friends, we are here now. Every Friday, we share our wonderful meals that we cook in nature, in wood fire. We are waiting for all food lovers👋
Приветствую вас мои дорогие друзья, теперь мы здесь. Каждую пятницу мы делимся нашими замечательными блюдами, которые мы готовим на природе, в дровах. Ждем всех любителей еды👋
Saudações meus queridos amigos, estamos aqui agora. Todas as sextas-feiras compartilhamos nossas maravilhosas refeições que cozinhamos na natureza, em fogo de lenha. Aguardamos todos os amantes da comida👋
Saludos mis queridos amigos, estamos aquí ahora. Todos los viernes, compartimos nuestras maravillosas comidas que cocinamos en la naturaleza, en fuego de leña. Esperamos a todos los amantes de la comida 👋
سلام دوستان ما هم اکنون در یوتیوب هستیم غذاهای بی نظیری که هر جمعه در طبیعت طبخ میکنیم را با شما به اشتراک میگذاریم منتظر همه دوستداران غذا هستیم👋
تحياتي اصدقائي نحن الان على اليوتيوب نشارك اكلاتنا الفريدة التي نطبخها بالطبيعة كل يوم جمعة نار الحطب ننتظر كل محبي الطعام 👋
Halo teman-teman, kami sekarang ada di youtube. Kami memasak makanan lezat di alam, api kayu, dan membagikannya setiap hari Jumat pukul 19.00. Kami menyambut semua pecinta makanan di saluran kami👋
Grüße meine Freunde, wir sind jetzt auf YouTube. Wir teilen unsere einzigartigen Gerichte, die wir jeden Freitag in der Natur am Holzfeuer kochen. Wir warten auf alle Feinschmecker 👋
Very unclean
Very beautiful 🌺👍
Вот это Хрючево😂😂😂
So sambal sotong?
I really want to try that. I heard from seniors that it's good for health😊
Disgusting yuck
What are they pulling out at 2:00?
Как-то не верю, что это вкусно😢
This is an absolute flavor 💣.
Such an intereting material! Squid in it's own Ink! That's a first for me! Those Squids are also called Sepya by the way , a kind of sub Spiecies of Squid that are much smaller than their Oceanic cousins but have a smoother texture and a better taste , the only two drawbacks is that they take a longer time to clean as they have to be skinned the way you skin a Beef liver , and it can be hard to avoid popping & squirting their Ink sacks while cleaning them , the 2nd drawback is that they shrink alot during coocking and give alot of juice in the process, so make sure to buy double quantity especially if you have a large family, don't worry, they aren't expensive if you live in a country that has a Sea
Ink dish with hot sauce.
Wow…mantap nya👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
My ARFID disorder is going off just looking . 😮.
I've never eaten squid or octopus, but I'd like to try it
spicy ink squid soup i don't like squid i don't like ink! i like beef and the other food whitout chocolate, chilli, mint and more
Gegrillte Tintenfische mit Chilli Soße ist perfekt!!
Wow like