Geoff has an interesting episode of unique 4×4.

Follow Jason and his adventures at @overland_advantures_oz


  1. Nice van you have there Jase. I have a Pajero, mine’s white over silver, and I’ve been thinking of going to an awd van, similar to this, so I could have more “living on the road” room. How would the kilometers per gallon compare to a 4cyl turbo diesel Pajero, considering the Pajero is a fairly heavy vehicle also? Cheers.

  2. More and more Japanese import are coming to OZ since collapse of OZ car manufacturing. Vehicle sold in Japan are more luxury and comfortable. No wonder Jason went for that model! But I prefer old vehicle without electronics as I feel they are more complicated and more wiring makes engine room look messy and confusing. Because I am snob, so I go for classic land rover!

  3. Thank you Geoff and Jason for a great video. We are Auto Japan, probably the largest Elgrand dealer in Australia. At the time of writing, we have 32 in stock. We have complete after sales support. Get in touch.

  4. Brilliant vehicles – I have a 2004 E51 in the UK! Best car I ever had and I'm an old man now who has had many vehicles, including several 4×4's.

  5. could you guys put up a list of cross over parts a tyre sizes great vid thanks i got the 3lir Deisel blocked erg an made all the difference to power

  6. Hi is there a follow up video to this im looking to raise my elgrand here in the UK and I'm looking for a little bit more info on rear set up cheers

  7. Thanks for putting Elgrand out there… it would be amazing to know more about what bolts on across from proper 4x4s. And you gents didn't even show the interior amenities or accessories. So I very much look forward to a follow-up 🙂

  8. Y62 patrol springs for the rear, would that be raised Y62 springs or standard Y62 springs? And brand, King spring?

    and what model pathfinder front struts/springs fit the elgrand?

  9. #Seriously series Sorry I might have missed this point. Did Jason (or his suppliers)convert a 2wd to 4wd? I have an E51 2002 build with only 135000km. Have bought a Rodeo 3l turbo diesel and enjoying the ute features. It has relatively fixed fibreglass canopy with roof racks braced to floor, which I was thinking to change to a steel or aluminium canopy with kitchen fitouut and bed on top. But I have seen very nice Van fitouts in Elgrand- and it is hard to part with the Elgrand- on account of its superb comfort and 7 seater versatility (including an electric turnout seat that is great for helping people with limited mobility get in and out with dignity. Thinking to keep the Elgrand in the family. One son has a penchant for crossing creeks etc, but like Jason, I am more interested in being conservative and 50mm lift is plenty of clearance if you aren't hopping rocks or driving through mud. I drove LandCruiser ute a lot in Sahara and rarely used 4wd mode as keeping speed up is mostly effective, with 4wd in reserve.

  10. Can we buy a new elgrand van in Melbourne. Interested to use for camping. I think it’s seats fold flat to make a bed

  11. seems to be quite a few sources for coilovers for these, I want to drop mine 50mm, don't intend to off road even though it's a 4×4

  12. Good info. I have a rider 4×4 version sitting out back with a fucked transmission I might have just found some motivation to fix.

  13. I did this upgrade, it's great to have good clearance now, but Did you find that suspension now is stiff and has very little to no room of travel, so as in you go over a speed hump the thumb sounds vibrate up into the dashboard. Was that your experience?

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