Nestled in the lush mountains of Wakayama Prefecture, the ancient Kumano region is considered the spiritual heartland of Japan. Worshipped for centuries, this verdant and rugged area has been revered as the abode of the gods. At the heart of the Kumano Kodo pilgrimage network is the Nakahechi trail, which has a history spanning over 1000 years. I walked more than 70 km in just four days, traversing this sacred path and immersing myself in the serene beauty of the Kumano region.
The first day of my hike went by quickly, as I arrived at Takijiri around 11:00 am and reached Chikatsuyu by 4:00 pm. However, the second day was a different story. I covered a distance of almost 30 km to Yunomine Onsen via Kumano Hongu Haisha, which took me 10 hours to complete. Despite feeling exhausted and overwhelmed, I persevered and continued on my journey through the serene and captivating Kumano region.
The last two days of my hike, from Ukegawa to Kumano Nachi Taisa with a night in Koguchi, were made even more enjoyable by the company of fellow pilgrims. The incredible food of the region, along with the relaxing onsens each night, kept me energized and refreshed for the next day’s trek. Overall, it was a wonderful experience that allowed me to fully immerse myself in the natural beauty and warm hospitality of the Kumano region.
0:00 Hiking
33:10 Kumano Hongu Taisha
38:07 Hiking
39:27 Yunomine Onsen
40:43 Photos
Videos were shot on a GoPro Hero 11 Black in 4k resolution at 60 fps with 10-bit color and 120 Mbps, using the Linear Horizon Lock mode. Images were captured on an iPhone 14 Pro, and the final edit was made using LumaFusion on an iPad Air M1. The final export was in 4k resolution, 60 fps HLG at 81 Mbps. Your feedback on the video production would be greatly appreciated.
1 Comment
Makes me remember a lot of detail I have forgotten, thanks for not talking all the time, great effort