1. This vedeo must be showing just the white ghettos or hillbillies Columbus areas. Not real black areas where u can see and hear real gangs like near downtown columbus. Near Livingston st. Near hilltop. Franklton. Near Bexley. Near Easton where daily shootings are.

  2. 0:01 Real talk, I’m busting that left EVEN on the Red light 🤣 soon as a see that mofo Trynna get me to roll my window down… I’m dippin’

  3. Too bad he wasn't around in the early 80's driving through the Short North. I moved on Detroit and Summit and you had to carry just to take your trash out. They have really cleaned it up

  4. Funny thing is, opening shot, I knew exactly the ramp before I saw the sign! Sullivant and Central. My brother had a car lot just up the road for many years, Sullivant and Eureka.

  5. Make me miss Columbus use to live on board in California now but the hilltop never feel to amazed me.

  6. I used to be a home health nurse and went into a lot of houses/apartments on the west side and in downtown Columbus for mental health patients and my main concern was the bed bugs. There were some creepy apartments but nothing ever happened to me.

  7. Dude being a doordash driver I have literally been everywhere in Columbus and the surrounding areas.

    No one in the comments really don't know where the violent hood is around here.

    Go to past 270 outer belt on the westside to Middle of Fucking nowhere, rural trailer park country.

    People there treat everyone not living there as a threat

    And they aren't afraid to show it.

    I have delivered countless times to the hilltop in the middle of the night and felt safer there, then when the few deliveries I had to trailer parks near plain city in broad daylight.

    Everyone was open carrying, just itching for a reason to shoot in those trailer parks.

  8. Folks from the coasts probably wonder when you are going to show video of bad neighborhoods. What you are showing here is POOR neighborhoods. But I never feel unsafe in them…. and I live IN them. You want to feel unsafe, drive through a suburban residential street in an old car while black…

  9. My guy you didn't show anything. I can tell you're not from here. Take a trip down Livingston. Anything from Alum Creek Dr to Parsons ave on Livingston Ave(Fairwood, 22nd Kelton Lockborne. Brittany Hills, 4th and 8th Both have notorious history. Cleveland Ave from Spring st to Morse rd. Oakland park all those areas I named you need to go through not the Westside aka Zombieland

  10. I was born Columbus gb short milo terrace lindin old Livingston old southfield old main st hilltop bottom frebis courtright all was dangerous

  11. East 13th Ave through East 5th Ave and North Cassidy area. For decades they keep opening night clubs/bars on 5th Ave. then they get shut down because someone was shot/stabbed whatever…a week later…TaDa! Same club but the door is yellow now 😂 rinse and repeat. Lots of mechanics and garages there where everything is stolen or shady at best. Shout out to Nick's Market where they wrap expired meat in good meat but the owners are kind of super awesome to young mothers who are struggling, even gave my kid a few bootleg DVD's back in the day

  12. I always found it strange the best hospital for kids is in one of the worst parts although they are trying to clean it up

  13. I'm from Columbus but I recently went to visit a friend in Philly and Philadelphia made Columbus look like a Walt Disney cartoon 😂😂😂

  14. I'm born and raised here, Columbus is a beautiful City As long as you stay away from the drugs you'll be okay

  15. Well I grew up here in linden and things happend like they do anywhere. But he is not doing anything but driving threw old community's that are no more dangerous than the rest..
    He must not be from here or did not grow up here to even know where the high probability areas really are

  16. Don't start none, won't be none kinda city. Give respect and you'll receive respect.

  17. This is literally the west side. I bet hes never been to Miller and kelton or Cleveland ave in south lendon. You dont understand the hood until you go there. Hilltop where this is is nothing compared to up north out east and down south. Columbus is just a shithole now with bums shitting on building downtown.

  18. All that I see is "poverty"! America is almost 250 years old & we have been at war 90% of this time. The Earth Is The Lord's & The fulness thereof: There is no shortage of anything. We suffer because of the greed of the 1% vs. 99% The use of psychological, viral & bio warfare continues to keep us the topic & subject of Economic, social & psychological self destruction & global eugenics agenda. When the Power of Love is Greater Than The Love of Power then will be know peace & economic justice. God help us…how we need to just stand up for each other & community bonding.

  19. This man is deathly afraid of black and poor people. Driving through alleyways and behind houses to make it seem like the streets are littered with trash, when really it's the alleys behind houses.

  20. I have lived in Columbus since 1980 i’ve always lived in mostly upper middle-class suburbs
    Grove city
    Upper Arlington
    But due to the Biden crime family over the last year my money took a major hit. So I just moved to 17th Ave right down the street from the fairgrounds I’m gonna stay here one year to save money but let me tell you. It’s CRAZY over here.

  21. Columbus was my 2nd home in the late 90s all the way through the late 2000s to early 2010s…females everywhere, clubs jumpin and fun! It did begin to change once out of towners began to migrate there because Columbus was growing as a city.

  22. Lived in Cbus my whole adult life. First apartment was on Summit St. and used to take coda to the convention center where I worked while attending OSU before I got my first car. The corner mom & pop where I bought my drinks, was robbed every weekend, other than that, the neighborhood was nice. Now my daughter lives there right around the corner from Summit, on 4th.. just around the corner from where me and her dad lived when we were her age. Now I live in Dublin and she’s about to get a new place just off Sawmill Rd. in Dublin where I currently live. So weird how things change but see them the same through my kids eyes. Love this city, hail to the 614 ❤😊

  23. At 1:42, that big house to the right. 1995, I stayed in the basement, rented it from the guy renting the house. I paid him 100 a month for the whole basement. Wish I could get that kind of rent today.

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