#Thailandstreetfood #thailand #thaistreetfood

The Most Famous and Beautiful Chicken Noodle Girl In Bangkok – Thailand Street Food

🏪 Business name
Chicken Noodle Na Soi

🔍 Address

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Thanks for watching 🙏


  1. hey, idk if you’re the original poster of this particular video, but someone else uploaded the exact same thing but just flipped it… just thought you’d like to know if this is original content.

  2. What you are showing is real shit please don't post such useless videos you are simply fooling your viewers and public if you really want to show womens bodies then please show your mother wife sister or daughter and let the whole world enjoy if you cannot post meaningful videos please sit at home and eat bananas

  3. You are one of the most perverted YouTuber I have come across even after so many comments you ar still post ING dirty videos shame on you

  4. So tacky. I keep trying to block your channel but it keeps popping up. So fuck youtube for forcing me to eatch this crap even for a second. Im going to block you again.p

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