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Crazy Speed Chopping Skills ! 30-Year-Old Famous PAK LOV (Braised Pork Organs) | Cambodian Street Food

Price: 1 Kg = KHR 50,000 (USD 12.50)

Location: https://www.google.com/maps/place/%E1%9E%95%E1%9F%92%E1%9E%9F%E1%9E%B6%E1%9E%9A%E1%9E%80%E1%9E%8E%E1%9F%92%E1%9E%8F%E1%9E%B6%E1%9E%9B+(Psar+Kandal)/@11.5686774,104.9286715,17.5z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x310951b2c08e8d1f:0x53075ece445bd8c5!8m2!3d11.5689707!4d104.9285037

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  1. Wowwww! I love street foods it's good in beer yummmm shout out to the chop man

  2. Good morning from USA 🇺🇸

    I’m hungry 😋…I’ll eat breakfast soon.



  3. I like all your content, I ask for a review of meatballs, is there meatballs there ..?? thank you, waiting for your content about meatballs🙏🙏😉

  4. Спасибо блогер!👍👍 Thank you blogger! 👍👍 Хороший бизнес ! Народу сколько! 👍👍👍Good business ! How many people!👍👍Мир ДОМУ ТВОЕМУ ! Берегите себя !🙏🙏🙏 PEACE TO YOUR HOUSE ! Take care of yourself! 🙏🙏🙏

    С наступающим НОВЫМ ГОДОМ! Здоровья ВСЕМ ! 🙏🙏🌲🌲🌲 Happy New Year! Health ALL!

  5. It’s so beautiful to see these hard workers! 😍. I pray for all of these beautiful people for their health and God’s blessings 🙏🏼❤️

  6. It's all in the wrist and the big knife! Interesting to see also the different part of the knife he uses to cut different meats.

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