It’s Halloween time and it’s also the first time to see the new houses and explore an unknown area of Universal Studios Japan Super Nintendo World! For the night part of HHN check this video


  1. Easily one of the best theme park lands to grace the theme park industry in a while! Can’t wait to get this in Epic Universe over here in FLA! Glad you got to experience it man!

  2. Our Monsters house in Orlando this year has only Mummy, Dracula and Wolfman battling it out. Each night a different one "wins" at the end. It's not very scary but is a fun house to wander through.

  3. Amazing video cool Japan universal studios still have some of the classic monster houses that’s really nostalgic and also some new attractions that’s cool too also Super Nintendo world is the best place bring back nostalgic memories of my childhood playing super Mario not just attractions but restaurants and shops as well.

  4. I love how you just ran up to the painting of Tiny-Huge Island speaking pure gibberish as you slam yourself into it. That's exactly what I would do in that situation

  5. Awesome buddy! Sure looks crowded though. You made the right decision though, Mario Kart is better than the Yoshi (kiddie) ride. Love the interactivity there. Can’t wait for it to be finished in Florida!

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