#shinkansen #hellokitty #bullettrain #キティ新幹線 #japantravel
Hello Kitty Shinkansen JR-WEST
0:00 Beginning
0:47 Dobutsuen-Mae station
1:14 Shin-Osaka station
1:23 about a ticket
1:55 the view from Shin-Osaka station
2:10 temperature of the day
2:17 souvenir shop
2:57 buying a lunch box
3:22 Hachikaku Bento (lunch box) from Suiryoken
3:41 Wi-Fi speed at Shin-Osaka station
3:54 to the platform 20
4:51 at the platform 20
4:59 Mizuho SHinkansen
5:11 Hello Kitty Shinkansen is arriving
6:57 the first car of the Shinkansen
7:37 getting on the Shinkansen
7:51 a reserved seat on car number 6
8:20 the train is leaving
9:15 the tray table at your seat
9:28 car number 6
9:36 smoking rooms
9:53 car number 7
10:14 a big toilet
10:55 a small toilet
11:34 a telephone booth
11:39 a basin
11:48 car number 8
12:04 a control stand for kids
12:20 car number 5
12:44 car number 4
12:55 space for bicycles
13:07 a pink basin
13:22 car number 3
13:40 car number 2
14:07 Hello Kitty
14:49 English messages from Hello Kitty
15:11 car number 1 Hello Plaza
15:40 Hello Kitty goods
16:36 Hello Kitty seats with outlets
17:07 seats in car number 2
17:32 Hello Kitty and her friends
17:51 lunch (Hachikaku Bento)
18:57 the view from the window (country side)
19:08 about Kodama Shinkansen
19:49 Fukuyama station and Sakura superexpress
20:10 Fukuyama castle
20:32 a wedding center and a bullet train passes by
20:45 Higashi Hiroshima station
20:59 Sekisyu Kawara (red roofing tiles)
21:14 many containers
21:20 Hiroshima Municipal Stadium
21:59 Hiroshima castle
22:12 where we are at Google map
22:29 a humongous secret base
23:26 Fukuyama station
23:47 Good bye, Dr. Jekyll
25:05 Shin-Yamaguchi station
25:50 a Ferris wheel
26:05 Kokura station
26:50 country side in Fukuoka prefecture
27:10 Hakata station
27:31 Good bye, Hello Kitty Shinkansen!
Amei o vídeo,e sua voz é muito relaxante!