This is traditional #JapaneseFood at its finest! After checking in to our Ryokan at Wakakusa No Yado Maruei in Yamanashi Prefecture, we proceed to have our dinner and boy was it a complete feast! So many different foods in small servings to try, including meats that cooked with candles, tofus, vegetables, gelatinous pieces, fruits, soup, and so much more. It came with sashimi a Japanese wine and delicious desert at the end. Join us on this ultimate Japanese #mukbang in Yamanshi, #Japan.

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Vlog edited by Jeahh Yason:

Need an architect to design and build your dream home? Check out the amazing work of Architect Dennis Elizalde and inquire: He designed and is building our dream farm home!

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Unit 3F, First Metro Strata Building, 685 Nuevo De Febrero St, Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila, Philippines

Welcome to my daily vlogs! TRAVEL. FOOD. COMEDY. SINGING. ANTS. LIFE.

I upload a new video every day at 7AM EST!

About Me:

My bio is pretty random: In short, I am a professional singer/songwriter from Toronto, Canada who moved to Manila, Philippines which sorta became my Hollywood because my first Youtube channel MIKEYBUSTOSVIDEOS grew popular due to Filipino comedy videos. Meanwhile, I’m also a big biology geek who is obsessed with ants, so I built an internationally operating ant business supported by another popular channel called ANTSCANADA, and well basically, today I travel and tour around the world doing what I love so I wanted to start this vlogging channel, in hopes to encourage you guys to follow your dreams no matter how random, by showing you what happened when I followed mine! You just never know where life will take you when you listen to the yearnings of your heart!


  1. Mikey, i like how you've been translating for your tour guide this entire trip… her english is fine, but you're basically just repeating everything she's been saying. hahaha

    Ligaya needs to watch this so she could take after daddy and repeat what she hears. lol

  2. Question on the "bean curd" is that Tofu?


  3. I wonder if you make noises like that while eating even when you’re not vlogging. It can be really annoying hearing you say mmmmm, ohhh, wow, wow wow, mmm mmm, OMG!! …..all the time😂 but then again, we all love how OA and exaggerated you are anyway..

  4. That meal looks amazingly tasty. Can I have that Japanese Grandma come cook for me? Send a sushi chef also. Thanks

  5. Watching your vlogs always makes me so hungry 😋 especially since I love Japanese food, but I’ve actually never seen some of those dishes very interesting.

  6. I'm on the diet I just eat sweet potato and yogurt for my lunch and it's bad to watch this on lunch time really it's bad idea

  7. I am in Japan, but it’s been months I haven’t eat Japanese food, cause, I’m busy baking foods and bread via youtube recipes.

  8. Oh the best melong i ever tasted in Tokyo and oh so much $$$$$ ….have you eaten their white strawberries…the sweetest

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