This walking video starts at Roppongi Hills passing through Aoyama Cemetery, Omotesando Shopping Street, Harajuku, Yoyogi Park and ends at Hachiko Statue in Shibuya.

Walk Route:
Date & Time: 1/19/2021 11:15am

Chapters & Related Websites
0:00 Opening Title
0:42 Tokyo Tower:
1:35 Roppongi Hills Mori Tower:
3:30 Metropolitan Expressway & Roppongi-dori Ave
12:34 Aoyama Cemetery:
25:39 Gaien nishi-dori Ave & Aoyama-dori Ave
31:52 Omotesando Ave
32:51 Omotesando Station:
43:57 Meiji-dori Ave
47:19 Harajuku Station:
49:27 Yoyogi Park:
56:08 Yoyogi Koen-dori St
1:00:52 NHK:
1:01:51 Koen-dori St
1:06:24 Inokashira-dori St
1:07:46 Shibuya Center-gai:
1:14:17 Hachiko Statue:

Trivia: I normally plan pretty detail walk route in advance but for this video I made a rough plan and started walking. Tokyo seemed a little quiet this day due to the state of emergency I guess… but maybe because it was before lunch time when I started walking?! But the city was not as quiet as the first time when the government issued the state of emergency.

Sorry. My binaural microphones broke. Please bear with the monaural audio in this video.
