A London walk in a cloudy day, starts on Vauxhall Bridge and ends at Elephant & Castle Station via Lambeth bridge & Lambeth North Station. We walk across three boroughs, Westminster, Lambeth, and Southwark.

The route includes: Vauxhall Bridge 0:00, SIS/MI6 Building 0:08, Millbank 4:35, Tate Britain 6:24, Millbank Pier 7:53, The Security Service MI5 (the left hand side) 10:32, Victoria Tower Gardens South 11:16, Lambeth Bridge 14:09, Morton’s Tower & Garden Museum 18:43, St Mary’s Gardens 19:05, Lambeth Road 19:49, Archbishop’s Park(entrance) 22:08, Carlisle Lane 26:50, Westminster Bridge Road 30:23, Lambeth North Station 32:39, Morley Gallery 35:52, St George’s Circus 40:12, London Road 40:30, Elephant & Castle Station 45:46


Date: Late February 2020
Weather: 11 / 10 °C Broken clouds

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