Got Thrown Out of 5 Bars in Kyoto, Had a Terrible Dinner, and Visited the Best Castle in Japan | Ep5
⛩️ Today, we visit the best preserved medieval castle in all of Japan, get denied entry to five pubs in a row in Kyoto, and have dinner at the worst restaurant in Japan!
On this trip, see Japan through my eyes as I experience the best of its food, drink, attractions, beauty, and culture for the very first time!
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Tweets by TullysJapan
🌎 Locations visited in this episode:
Himeji Station
Himeji Castle
Koko-en Garden
Harimaya Tea Shop Jo-mae Branch
Washoku Sato Oishibashi Branch (Absolutely DO NOT go here!)
📖 Chapters:
0:00 Intro
0:29 Good morning!
1:11 Conbini breakfast at FamilyMart
2:01 Himeji Castle visit
8:37 Koko-en Garden visit
10:27 A wild Himura Yuuki appears!
10:42 Ice cream! Unique roasted green tea flavor.
11:35 Sad cats 😿
12:08 The trouble begins…bullet train ride to Kobe
12:32 Lunch – the un-freshest chicken I’ve ever had
13:04 Big trouble. The bloody lockers don’t work!
14:06 First steps in Kyoto
15:06 Hotel and plans for dinner
15:40 Himura Yuuki was at Himeji Castle today!
15:52 The best laid plans…
21:32 Dinner Disaster…I wish I hadn’t…
28:46 Post mortem analysis of the middest dinner ever
31:43 Wise quote from the boss man
32:55 Thanks for watching!
🎶 Music and sound used:
trevortjes – Bass Drum Impact Sound Effect [Free]
LiQWYD – Birthday
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0
Free Download / Stream:
Music promoted by:
Good Vibes – No Copyright Vlog Music
FREE BGM “223 AM” by Sharou
You can download this song for free on below URL.
(Please use sound materials in accordance with the website’s license/agreement and license set by the composer.)
• DOVA-SYNDROME公式 作曲者 しゃろう
License –
♪ stream cafe – sweet cafe
♪ stream cafe – boba date
♪ stream cafe – slice of life
SONG : Lullaby (No Copyright Music) – Make Studio
Video Link :
♪ stream cafe – matcha mochi
‘Last Summer’ by TELL YOUR STORY music by ikson™
Album: Your Story, Vol. 3
Music by Gil Wanders – Dreams –
Rick Graham – Improvising with some cleaner tones, stretched and reverbed
Song: Diviners feat. Contacreast – Tropic Love [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds
Free Download/Stream:
‘Blue Sky’ by TELL YOUR STORY music by ikson™
Album: Your Story, Vol. 1
Japanese restaurant music (No Copyright) “Kaiseki cuisine” Zen, Garden [Free BGM] by Japanese music / MOJI
‘Sunny’ by TELL YOUR STORY music by ikson™
Release #58 SUNNY / Official Release 2018
Song: After Midnight
Music composed and recorded by Oak Studios.
Link: | Creative Commons – Attribution ND 4.0
“Yoitrax – Fuji” is under a Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0) license.
/ @yoitrax9012
🎵 Music promoted by BreakingCopyright:
Tags: japan vlog, japan travel vlog, kyoto vlog, himeji vlog, kyoto travel vlog, what i eat in japan, how i eat in japan, travel vlog, 14 days in japan, two weeks in japan, japan asmr, japan walk, walking asmr, travel asmr, aesthetic, beautiful japan, japan beautiful, food in japan, tasty japan, japan food, 4k, himeji castle, best castle in japan, most beautiful castle in japan
#japan #himeji #kyoto
I don't blame them. I've been in pubs and bars in Tokyo where entitled foreigners trashed the place, we're being obnoxious and had no remorse whatsoever; and with Kyoto being even more old-fashioned, they are not going to think twice to go through trouble.
Thanks for highlighting that racism is still alive and well in Japan, I know where not to even bother to visit.
pro tip. less you, more everything else
I've been stopped from going into a bar once but they politely asked me if i spoke the language first (there was a group of locals there). I dont speak Japanese, so i told them not to worry and I left, went to another bar that didn't care and spent $150 there instead.
Its not racism as much as tribalism. They dont actively hate or discriminate based on race. They package "all non-Japanese" as "outsiders" and treat them differently. You could be a black, orange, white or green skinned. You'll be labelled as outsider and treated that way.
That aside, we're talking about a small percentage here. I've gone to many bars and locations in different major cities and out of 15-20 bars, 1 turned me away.
Also depends on how you present yourself (this is worldwide). When i go out I wear blazers, shirts and something better than a cheap pair of jeans. Some lounges and bars have dress codes. If you show up in a tshirt and jeans, and look like a tourist who flew economy and just got off the plane, then you can expect to not be allowed entry, or even if allowed entry, to not get treated as well as better dressed patrons. Presentation matters.