First Time in Tokyo! 🇯🇵 Exploring Skytree & More

Welcome back to our channel! We’re the World Family Explorers – Chris, Elly, Logan, and Connor. We left our life in the US behind for a world of adventures, and today we’re in Tokyo, Japan, for the first time! 🇯🇵 We’ll learn how to navigate this massive city, visit Tokyo Skytree for incredible skyline views, explore the attached mall, and see what surprises we find along the way. Is Tokyo as overwhelming as people say? Let’s find out!

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Filmed May 2024

#TokyoJapan #TokyoTravel #TokyoSkytree #JapanVlog #FamilyTravel #JapanTrip #TokyoWithKids


  1. I’ve gotten on the wrong train or went too far while Google maps were loading but it’s super easy to correct after you notice and sometimes you find the most magical places when you get lost a little

  2. 子供が日本を楽しんでくれてるのは嬉しい☺

  3. Enjoy watching you try new foods. Love your (Mom) expression after tasting the wagyu 🤤…and Connor's critique…"well seasoned" ☺️ PRICELESS! ❤

  4. Wonderful that you got a "bird's eye view" of the beautiful city of Tokyo!…the glass floor was also cool. 👀

  5. The animé shops were so cool…recognized all the little pokémon 🤗 Kirby, not so much…but he's def a cutie…kinda remember him "floating"? 🤔

  6. I like your exploring to sky tree tower. I never thought that japan they have a sky tree tower that you can the whole city of tokyo.. I thumbs up your video.. 👍
    Take care always with your family… 🙂

  7. 42:10 の所で海老の天ぷらはトッピングです。麺の上にのせて食べて下さい。

  8. 18:30 yup I was just going to suggest to see Tokyo Skytree at night too✨I went with my mom some years ago in the late afternoon (or dusk) just in time to see the sunset from the tower, and then the city night view was amazing as well!

  9. 楽しい動画ありがとうございます😊 さて、麺をすすることがシェフへの賛辞というのは、海外に広まった間違った情報です。諸説ありますが、すすって食べた方が美味しいからだと、私個人は思ってます。

  10. 子供もいるのであまり言いたくありませんが、もう少し電車内では静かにして。エスカレーターも左寄って下さい。テンションが上がってるのは分かりますが、正直迷惑です。

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