The gorgeous beauty of the weeping Japanese apricot and Mt. Fuji!

Today, I went for a walk in the Soga Plum Grove, where the weeping Japanese apricot trees are in full bloom, while enjoying the view of Mt. Fuji.
Actually, I had already been there five days ago, but I wanted to see the best weeping Japanese apricot trees, so I went back again.
Also, the spot that the locals recommended was just too good.

00:00 Opening
01:01 Mt. Fuji from the car window
02:36 The weeping Japanese apricot trees five days ago
03:05 A walk in the Bessho Plum Grove
15:27 Hourenji Temple – Recommended spots by locals
19:42 Viewing platform – the grave of the mother of the Soga brothers
26:02 Zuiunji Temple (Nakagawara Plum Grove)

Date taken : February 25, 2025

Official tourism association website:

*Using Google Translate. Therefore, please be aware that there may be typos or omissions.
*Please note that the information in the video may not be 100% accurate.

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  1. t’s magnificent. the beauty of nature is immense and the harmony brings balm to the heart. 😍 great video

  2. OMG! Be still my beating heart.. Absolutely stunning,I would like one of the waterfalls to worship every spring for its glorious beauty. I missed Japan everyday and can’t wait to explore more of the country side soon.Thank you Ichiro for your amazing videos, you are truly blessed to live in such a beautiful country.

  3. L'hiver a préparé en secret ces floraisons de pruniers japonais !!!
    Ces pruniers pleureurs semblent ployer sous le poids des fleurs et pourtant il y a tellement de grâce, de légèreté !!!
    Voyageurs laissaient vous tenter !!!
    Des paysages de "cartes postales" avec le Mont Fuji enneigé ❤️‍🔥
    Oui, oui !!!
    Prenons soin de la Nature, elle nous offre tant de beautés
    Mercii pour cette paix, cette sérénité qui affleure dans cette promenade 🙏🙌✨🇫🇷💐

  4. สวยสุดๆ น่าไปเดินเที่ยวมากๆครับ😍

  5. Danke für das tolle Video🙏 die Blütenpracht und die Aussicht auf den Fuji trösten meine Seele❤Hoffentlich bleiben die alten Bäume noch lange erhalten. Danke 💗🙏👍🏻🙋🏼‍♀️

  6. I always used to love the arrival of the plum blossoms in Shinjuku Gyoen every year, and I wish I had known about this place. Until the Heian period 花見 or blossom viewing used to refer to plum blossoms, not cherry blossoms, and I still love the plum blossoms just as much as the cherries. Fewer tourists too.😅

  7. Как всегда коп рахмет, большое спасибо ❤❤ Казахстан Алматы 😊

  8. Неймовірна краса Японії, особливо у час весняного цвітіння плакучих абрикосів, сакури…Спасибі за прекрасну пізнавальну прогулянку! В березні 2010 році я споглядала таку ж красу цвітіння у Нагасакі, Хіросимі, Нарі, Кіото і Токіо! З того часу Японія в моєму серці – найкраща!

  9. 綺麗なしだれ梅と富士山、青空。最高ですね。

  10. Merhaba video için teşekkür ederim bu ağaç türü bu ülkeye mi özgü acaba bizde hiç böyle bir ağaç gormedim

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