First of all, the MV.
My Gaursh! The video is so clear, so picturesque, so cinematic, and so fascinating! I know I'm writing in superlatives but I'm not kidding. It's to THAT degree. I don't know if it's because I’ve been missing &TEAM contents a lot lately (Months, actually.) and I finally found time for this, but this? Chef's kiss!
Speaking of chef's kiss, the song.
I like that it's sexy but not too much. It's the perfect consistency. Not like those… you know, overly sexy to the point it’s making you cringe? Non! Mais non! A playfully dark sexy song without too much seasoning??? (Am I even making any sense here anymore? LOL)
Also, the group's maturity in terms of performance is also apparent. And I don't mean just the physical features (which caught me off guard, honestly), but even their aura has matured, like they came to the point where they collectively fit genres like this already. Like I said, I don't know if it's due to me missing out on content, but I feel like they just instantly Shlooooop gre up in the span of a few months. Lol.
Also, if my memory serves me right, I’m not sure if it was K, but someone mentioned something about their group's genre (I don't remember where. Do your thing, internet.) and he said something about it being a mix of Jpop with Kpop and Western music? Now, I don’t know much about the technicalities of music, but I think this album is where we see that come to light. The songs in it have such a wide range yet still with so much of that Jpop base color. If they plan to go global, carrying their heritage would definitely be a huge head-turner, ear-leaner. I hope they understand that.
by tonarinotortora