Evangelion Burgers McDonald’s Japan

McDonald’s Japan collaborate with Neon Genesis Evangelion. I like Evangelion TV series. I watched it over and over again. But I don’t like the movie series so much. The movie story was complicated and difficult to understand for me. Do you like Evangelion?
Cheese Double Teriyaki(530 yen): Shinji Ikari, Evangelion Unit 01 burger. sweet-savory Teriyaki pork burger.
Mexican Cheese Chicken(490 yen): Soryu Asuka Langley, Evangelion Unit 02 burger. spicy and crispy chicken burger.
Zakugiri-Potato & Thick Beef Garlic Mayo(540 yen): Rei Ayanami, Evangelion Proto Type-00 burger. garlicky and filling beef burger.
#mcdonalds, #evangelion, #foodie, #asmr, #japanesestuffchannel


  1. Wow awesome Mcdonald's Evangelion burgers looks so yumm and delicious it's worth trying out when in Japan. All of the burger flavors are my favorite l like anything with cheese garlic,sweet,savory or spicy weather it's beef, pork or chicken to me that's a perfect burger to enjoy any time you want or when you doing your hobbies. "Thank You" for the video Lots of love and blessings.

  2. Why is it always McDonald's Japan got the best of toys and exclusive food? The rest of Asia got very crummy(crap) Sonic 3 toys. This makes me jealous.

  3. これ、ひょっとするとコレクション用として包み紙だけでも需要があるんじゃ……? フリーレンの駅弁みたいに。

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