Weekly Convenience Store Foods Familymart Frozen Chocolate Sweets are Good

Weekly Convenience Store Foods Familymart.
Sweet Red Bean Bread(168 yen): Soft & moist brioche with sweet bean paste and butter whipped cream. Rich and sweet.
Nuts Tart(238 yen): Nutty almond dough tart. Almond, walnut, cashew nut and macadamia nut on it.
Chocolate Cake(320 yen): Frozen chocolate cake. You can adjust defrost time according to your taste. I defrost it in the fridge about 30 mins. It’s moist and still chilly. So thick chocolate is good.
Strawberry Chocolate Terrine(320 yen): Frozen strawberry chocolate terrine. You can adjust defrost time according to your taste. I defrost it in the fridge about 30 mins. Half frozen strawberry is good texture. Sweet-sour strawberry and thick chocolate terrine are good combination.
Rich Milk Ice Cream(378 yen): Rich milk taste ice cream. It looks soft serve ice cream but the texture is similar to regular ice cream.
Chiikawa Manmaruyaki(250 yen): The Manmaruyaki is moist and chewy dessert, chocolate cream inside. It contains random sticker(all 11 types).
Total 1674yen(11.6 USD)
#chiikawa, #chocolate, #sweets, #asmr, #japanesestuffchannel


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  2. A wonderful spread of sweets looks so yummy and delicious flavors to enjoy and bring a great smile to your days. Worth having these chocolate choices when you relax or chill while reading a book or watch videos. "Thank You" for the video lots of love and blessings.

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