Amusing Convenience Store Food in Japan

Eating amusing food from Convenience Stores in Japan!


  1. In Turkey, we have a sandwich filled with french fries, its called patso, and tbh, you really need a high metabolism to digest that, its surely delicious, but its fried carbs in baked carbs

  2. Lol, how are you trying to point out the spaghetti filled roll being carby. All you ever eat is carbs. The following item was sugar, cream and bread FFS. What did you think that was? Fibre?

  3. I am completely honest
    I wouldn't have dared to hit an ice cream with a hammer in public
    I'm too shy for that

  4. Oh goodness…hehehehe…when I was thinking about all the carbs in that's spaghetti sandwich you said all the carbs…hahahaha. great minds think alike lol

  5. We have a similar bun to the Jaripan in Australia, it's called a Finger Bun! It's basically a hotdog bun with icing on top, some can have coconut others have sprinkles, or you can just have the plain icing too.

  6. You eating that lemon slice kinda made me pucker up! Good video. It's always fun to see the different things from other places.

  7. Kind of makes you think I should be living in Japan! I don't buy food from C-Stores here in the US because they have nothing of value to offer. The restaurants here are far worse than C-Stores are in Japan.

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