Tokyo is a city of trains, but Kyoto is a city connected by busses. Kyoto has two main train lines (one that runs N/S and one that runs W/E) but many tourists are afraid of the busses and you shouldn’t be! Get yourself a Suica or Pasmo card on your phone, make sure you have Google Maps and you are good to go!

beautiful morning we’re in Kyoto we’re going to take the bus this is pretty intimidating but you really don’t need to read any of this because everything you need is on uh Google Maps scheduled for 10:42 so in Kyoto you get on the bus in the middle of the bus and when you get off you get off at the front and you pay at the end in Tokyo it’s the opposite you can go anywhere in Kil on any bus for 230 Yen which right now is like a dollar so it is a great deal best way to pay is with a sua or a pasmo card which you can get on your phone so you just hold the phone up to the reader on your way out to [Music] pay and we’re here

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