I recently purchased a beautiful BMS 11 A5 Wagyu Ōmi beef filet, and I’m trying to cook it as traditionally as possible. From what I’ve seen, I’ve been doing tons of research and have cooked many Wagyu steaks before, including using this method, which have all been incredible. However, I am still looking for even minor improvements and am always trying to learn from people more knowledgeable than me. So, if anyone in this subreddit can answer my questions, that would be very appreciated.

  1. How hot should the griddle be? I’m assuming a high heat, as everything I know about steak searing has taught me that. However, I know Wagyu is delicate, and I have seen examples of it being cooked more gently at a lower heat.

  2. What temperature should the steak finish at? Every steak I’ve seen cooked in the numerous Japanese Teppanyaki videos has appeared rarer than traditional medium rare or medium. Then again, it could just be my eyes, and it could be the same as what I’m used to, typically 135 for medium rare and 145 for medium.

  3. I also plan to serve this with Japanese pickled vegetables as a bit of acidity to cut through the richness of the steak, so any recommendations on the best vegetables to use and how to pickle them properly would be very appreciated.

Obviously, most of the chefs working in these restaurants are absolute masters with decades of experience, and I won’t be able to perfectly replicate what they do. But I’d like to make an attempt, and I also know everyone does things differently, so I’d love to hear all tips from people who have them. Thank you for any help.

by thexradman

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