Pringles Bath Chips and Lipton Tea Bag Bath Salt

Pringles Bath Chips and Lipton Tea Bag Bath Salt bath chips the texture is different from real chips bubbling them with shower I used spray instead of shower citrus scent bath salt random scent(plain tea, lemon tea, green apple tea, milk tea, peach tea) milk tea scent tea bags good milk tea fragrance

Pringles Bath Chips and Lipton Tea Bag Bath Salt. Pringles bath chips is citrus scent. It looks like real Pringles chips, doesn’t it? I used spray instead of shower for bubbling it. Lipton tea bag bath salt has 3 bath salt in the box, and they are one of 5 kinds of scent(plain tea, lemon tea, green apple tea, milk tea, peach tea) at random. I got milk tea scent bath salt tea bags. It’s interesting and good milk tea scent but it doesn’t have a color. It would be better if it had milk tea color.
#oddlysatisfying, #bathbomb, #pringles, #lipton, #asmr


  1. So kawaii bath salts , This is a great fun way to enjoy bath salts while you bathe its relaxing and good for the body. It really looks like the real thing pringles and lipton one can mistake it for food or make a nice prank in the bathroom. "Thank You" for the video lots of love and blessings.

  2. I don't understand why these products exist. Do people really want to have a Pringles and tea bath? Why not just use the real stuff?

  3. I had something similar like the Pringles bath chips, but then in flower form. It’s a real mess for your bath though.

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