Ethyria will not be appearing at Offkai Expo

by Frosssssssty


  1. El_Jeff_ey

    But I thought they were rejected people on the list

  2. Karekter_Nem

    Honestly was not expecting that. I’d love to be a fly on the wall wherever that conversation happened.

  3. Realistic_Remote_874


  4. Academic_Fill


    They fucked up SO badly that they knew people would boo Ethryia if they ever showed their faces at a convention after Selen’s termination.

    It’s even worse because Enna and Millie were presumably named in that document, and for whatever reason it is, it sure as hell wasn’t a positive one.

    Reimu made a tweet that, while maybe not made with malicious intent, definitely was not something she should have said after Doki revealed what had happened.

  5. TheDragonDAFan

    Holy shit. I understand why they did this though. Any kind of live appearance with them would be a disaster.

  6. TheIrishBread

    How’s that “negligible financial impact” going riku?

  7. Common_Measurement47

    Wow pretty massive oof. Niji’s value proposition towards its livers continues to dwindle with each passing day.

    It used to be that at least Niji gets collab events and arranges for concerts/conventions for its livers. Looks like everything is starting to fall apart.

    I hope that the livers who are actually innocent get out of this garbage fire.

  8. Typical_Thought_6049

    I was about to comment in another thread that the only way to conventions not have to deal with rumors was to not inviting Nijisanji. As they brand is extremely toxic at moment. It seems that Offkay Expo come the same conclusion.

  9. FlowerDance2557

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen a corporation set off a figurative nuclear bomb on their public reputation like nijisanji has.

    We all knew the fallout would be immense but god damn, nijisanji talents were one of the big draws of offkai, this is (not) a negligible loss for niji.

  10. Alpha_YL

    Massive oof. Even though Offkai is saying to protect ANYCOLOR and Livers, they are also probably scared of their bad rep rn.

    They know people will boo at them, they know there will be trolls, and they know there will be hate. That would look very ugly and just bad for the Liverpool. I am not saying they are guilt-free but I will give the benefit of the doubt here.

    Honestly, it is an unfortunate situation but they made their bed and they must stay on it.

    The nuclear PR fallout has just started.

  11. LuxendarcKnight

    Yeah I figured as much. Don’t know what else to say honestly.

  12. Feisty_Calendar_6733

    I can already hear False voice at the begining of the video.

    “THEY ARE NOT GOING!” bla bla bla

  13. fenrishero

    Matara should show up and be like ‘Where my homies at?’

  14. Extreme_Growth

    Guess it’ll be one of those things that help lead livers to the possible road of irrelevancy sadly. It’s definitely a loss of brand promotion.

  15. Nihil-Existentialism

    Looking at the guest list dozens of indies probably don’t want to be in same con with Niji Livers and the same for artists too
    I wish I could say the livers don’t deserve this but like Vox says “they can leave anytime” but they decide stay so they still part of the problem siding with Nijisanji

  16. ScarletString13

    Didn’t expect OffKai to drop them since I thought Anycolor had a solid hold there.

    Goes to show that Cons are considering them as tainted material.

    Can anyone scope out updates from the JP side of the company and JP bros on the shift against the EN branch?

  17. Throwawayaccount2556

    LOL nijisanji did it again.

  18. Business_Tip_425

    Oh man, would you look at Offkai doing a better job of protecting Ethyria than Kurosanji is. I’m shocked

  19. Wakapon09

    the Yacht keeps sinking deeper and deeper with each event cancellation.

  20. Batgod629

    I don’t know why this was announced sooner if the decision was apparently made a couple weeks ago. That’s bad pr on both sides (assuming it is actually true which I’m skeptical of)

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