Join me in a casual, laid-back chat through Japan’s cities – from the bustling streets of Tokyo to the vibrant nightlife of Osaka. This video is my personal tier list, ranked purely on the fun experiences, delectable food, and the overall joy each city brought into my life during my 3-week adventure. Dive into my reflections and discover which city stole my heart and why.
0:00 Intro
2:26 Tokyo
3:41 Nikko
5:50 Hakone
7:32 Kyoto
10:26 Hiroshima
12:14 Fukuoka
13:32 Osaka
My journey to Japan:
#JapanTravel #TierList #Japan #ExploringJapan #ExploreJapan #TravelJapan #JapanCulture #JapaneseCities #City #Ranking #Travel #Vlog #Japanese
Yo so I went to Japan for about 3 weeks a year later now and finally being done with the my journey to Japan series I decided to do a little tier list of the various cities I stayed in honestly this isn’t going to be a wacky video with
Lots of information thrown at you this is just a little personal moment to reflect on my journey and if you agree or disagree let me know in the comments enjoy honestly I just really felt like making this video I didn’t have a specific reason why I wanted to make
This mostly because well I’ve had some pretty interesting experiences in the different cities that I’ve been to don’t get me wrong all of them I thoroughly enjoyed some of them a little bit more than others but I still wanted to make sure that I got my views on my Japan
Trip out there and just kind of having a chill evening just kind of reflecting on my old holiday uh it’s it’s actually almost like a year now since I’ve been on a holiday to Japan which is still really crazy to think about like I looked on Instagram this morning and I
Actually saw pictures of the cherry blossoms like slowly appearing again and yeah let’s just say it kind like you know like sorry sorry for that sorry let me just say I was really not necessarily sad but it was like Bittersweet seeing it you know like I love reflecting on
Everything that I’ve been through I just I just want to go again it’s it’s so great it’s such a lovely country I’ve even said it in my uh last video of my journey to Japan I want to get back there as soon as possible and it kind of
Stings that I’m not back there you know and it’s been like a year and I don’t feel like I’ve made a whole lot of progress but hey I guess I’m doing YouTube now so uh and I’m kind of enjoying it thus far I’m just kind of struggling with finding a real good
Content idea that could like blow me the up you know because um this Niche here is so small it’s it’s not it’s not necessarily small but like I’m not based in Japan so it’s kind of hard for me to make content about Japan because I kind
Of want to stray away from that informative what to do before Japan what to do here best this best that you you know uh I want to be make fun stuff as well just kind of difficult when you’re sitting at home in the Netherlands just chilling you know and then
Just vibing I made a complete tier list here I addited a couple little pictures all the cities that I’ve been through I started in Tokyo went to Niko went to hakan to Kyoto Hiroshima Fukuoka and ended up in Osaka and well let’s just go through it chronologically honestly
First of all Tokyo I honestly thought Tokyo was going to be a lot more busy or something I don’t know I I felt like Osaka was this like giant party District you know like and or city and Kyoto was this traditional architecture meets kind of a little bit of modernity you know
And Tokyo was just the the gray business SE type of city but I really really enjoy Tokyo there’s just so much to do plenty that I haven’t done yet even though I’ve been there for like you know three whole days or something I don’t know I I was just there way too
Short to really experience everything and I would absolutely love to go back there someday like absolutely so I do genuinely feel if I had to raid Tokyo um I think it would be an a um I I just really liked it apart from the fact that the weather really sucked maybe
It’s a bit of a bias because it was my first city that I entered while I was in Japan so obviously all the experiences that I got were which is so new and shiny and cool and that definitely helped but looking back at it I still
Think Tokyo is a top tier city that you should definitely visit when you go to Japan then we move on to niiko and it’s like the difference is as night and like like night and day niik and Tokyo are just so different it it was really crazy
To to go from that giant Metropolis to such a tiny mountain town uh or City should I say but it was really pretty I really liked it there was just so much in terms of culture temples even like because I was in a Rokon I could you know enjoy some actual
Japanese food like the the breakfast and the dinners um but I do have to admit I had a pretty hard time adjusting to the food because I just like fat stuff um I just like eating my meat and my my simple stuff you know so having an
Entire platter full of like all these greens and shrooms and all that it was It was kind of tough I still really wanted to like it so I really tried my best but i’ I’m just not used to that Cuisine so it was really difficult for
Me to kind of you know find my way there but I did noticed that uh when I left and I had my like final breakfast and dinner there I was kind of getting used to it and it’s just such a different world of flavors exploding in your
Mouth you know yeah I maybe I’m just a simple per I’m probably just way too simple honestly I want to learn more about Japanese Cuisine and just all the foods that they have to offer not just you know the beef balls and the ramens and all that I want to learn expand my
Knowledge further than that I do feel like I am just more of a city person so I think I would put Niko at B purely because I was also there very short I feel like I was only there for one full day if I recall correctly I don’t know
It’s just after I visited all the shrines and all the temples I feel I felt like yeah that was it you know that I saw everything just probably plenty more to explore there in the mountains like hiking and stuff and there’s surrounding areas that I haven’t been to
But again I’m going purely off of what I’ve experienced everything around that is for the possible future then we move on to hakon and hakon was also God I still remember this this view from this Rokon that was like top views I’ve ever experienced in my life honestly and I
Really hope to get back there someday that view was absolutely insane I feel like if I go back there now it would be sort of nostalgic in a way which is really nice I don’t know I just want to go back there on a sunny day honestly I
Felt like a lot of my Japan holiday got kind of shafted because there was just so much rain like hakon had some pretty nice days and Niko as well if I recall there were just so many days where it was rainy and gray and it just didn’t really
Look as pretty as I wanted it to you know in a in a perfect world I guess but the pirate ship was pretty cool and the giant Lake and the Tory gate that you can see on the picture there overall I’d say hakan was just really cool and thean
Was really pretty the staff was really nice it was my first experience with an onen as well and it’s it was a private onen you know I do do like my privacy like it’s just not my kind of culture to just sit there and bathe naked with a bunch of dudes you know
But hakone itself though this is kind of hard because I feel like when I went to mount Fuji and wani up into the mountains and I had my little pork cutlet with rice and I just got back down that was like kind of it you know
I’m not sure I think I think I’ll put hakon at C tier and again I want to preface this is not a tier list to necessarily like on certain cities or towns because I enjoyed all of it like thoroughly I I just want to compare
Them to each other you know and kind of reflect on everything which is like just kind of nice what I’m doing right now so hakon I don’t know it just didn’t really hit with me especially because of the weather probably which just kind of su then we move on to Kyoto
And boy um I felt like Kyoto was definitely the most difficult City for me to get adjusted to in a certain way I am not an outgoing person I’ve always been madly autistic uh I’ve never gone outside honestly Kyoto really tested me in that way and I don’t know why Kyoto
Specifically I just couldn’t really get myself to enter like a bar or even a restaurant it was really difficult I remember like one evening everything was just so packed and I couldn’t find a place to eat so I ended up just crashing at a Burger King that was like way overpriced and tasted
Like so that evening really sucked like I genuinely felt that evening was probably the worst one I had in my entire holiday because I just ended up going back to my hotel room after stocking up in a 7-Eleven nearby or a Lawson I think and just munching on some
Snacks and just getting my little milk tea you know and I also just feel like I haven’t really seen the best of Kyoto which kind of sucks I really really enjoyed the surrounding area of my hotel because I was kind of in just downtown Kyoto which was just absolutely sick uh
There was also a giant shopping mall or something like not really a mall but like a shopping street in of some sort nearby which was really nice to walk through just shopping here and there but overall I’d say Koto I was also actually there the longest like I feel like I was
There for like three nights four nights and I just felt like at some point I wanted more like I I feel like if I were to shift around days in certain cities now I maybe would take two days out of Kyoto and put them in Tokyo and Osaka
Instead maybe even just both in Osaka honestly but we we’ll get to that in a bit I just feel like the experience I had in Kyoto might have been C tier yeah yeah I think I think so because the couple of attractions that I did go to
There were just so many tourists like so many tourists and obviously I chose for that myself because I went there in Spring arguably the busiest time in Japan I knew I was there in the the busiest time because man there were so many people man like it was still
Enjoyable to a certain point but it also was just frustrating in a way I noticed that I got really frustrated with just other people just standing there taking that picture and then just like walking on you know which is just stupid in a way but I noticed myself getting super
Frustrated like I was like vlogging you know I was like holding my camera up like w just looking around and people were just there posing for that one specific picture and not really taking in the moment you know like they were not really there for the insane location
But just for that one perfect picture and that just really that annoyed me personally which is kind of stupid in a way because why the would I get annoyed over what someone else is doing but I don’t know personal things I guess then we went on to Hiroshima and I feel
Like I can already confidently say that Hiroshima is a tier I genuinely really enjoyed Hiroshima apart from the fact that I kind of went out of my comfort zone there and ended up dining at the okonomiyaki place that I really liked where I just you know sat around at a
Bar with a lot of people around me ended up chatting with like some German tourists there fun fact actually the German gentleman who I talked to that evening I also saw again the next day when I went to MIMA he just I remember him walking up to to me as well like and
In in the most German like English he just said like he Suchi booty you know like it’s been it’s been a long time you know or like it’s it’s been a while I don’t know it’s just kind of wholesome just kind of fun I really noticed that
When you go out of your comfort zone to do something fun you know you you actually might end up enjoying yourself which is just like stupid to say now but trust me I was like all alone there it was really scary for me to just walk
Into a random place and sit down to eat other people may have a little bit less trouble with but I as an introvert autistic person who’s never been outside before I thought I did pretty well okay apart from that the atomic bomb Dome and just the whole piece Park so incredible
Like absolutely absolutely incredible the food I had there again the okonomiyaki and stuff amazing amazing food and I’m so sad I only got to stay there for like two nights because I I would have loved to explore more Hiroshima is genuinely like a really underrated City in my opinion that may
Be because I don’t hear a lot of people talk about it you kind of hear a lot of about it it’s like oh it’s Hiroshima you know like the city you know with the atomic bomb like apart from Nagasaki of course but I don’t really hear people
When they go to Japan talk about I’m going to Hiroshima you know like it’s just it’s always like Tokyo Kyoto and Osaka anything else in between there is just kind of a surprise yeah know Hiroshima is great honestly just great then we went to Fukuoka I am not going
To lie I do not remember a whole lot about Fukuoka honestly that might just be my opinion about it I remember going shopping there if I’m not mistaken I did really like the shopping but apart from that it was just I feel like I missed something in Fukuoka I don’t recall if I
Just purposely didn’t do anything crazy there and if I just went like shopping arcade Etc but I just don’t really recall a whole lot about Fukuoka and I do I didn’t really like the City Vibe so I am going to put it at B tier even
Though I did forget a lot about it but I feel like just the feeling of being in a city automatically puts it up a lot for me I don’t recall a whole lot about Fukuoka and that’s it’s kind of like kind of sad because obviously I booked
My trip with a travel agency I didn’t have like 100% choice in what I want I mean I did but this was like one of their pre-built trips you know and it was like yeah you know what let let me just go to niiko hakone never heard of
It but I’m going there why not and also hirosima and Fukuoka uh so I was just like you know what sure let’s just go there but I ended up not really remembering a whole lot about Fukuoka and I’m sure if I prepared better I would have had a way better time but I
Am absolutely terrible at stuff and you should not let me plan your holiday and then the final City we have here is Osaka I am going to just 100% confidently put it at EST tier I think Osaka is such a fun vibrant great cultural cisal I don’t know what the
Word is honestly everything about it just clicked it was great from the moment I got into Osaka I was just like this city just feels good you know like sometimes you have just that feeling of this city just just rocks you know like this this just a good vibe I just I just
Had a pretty good hotel honestly there was like nothing really special about that hotel walking down DOI you know obviously seeing the big Lio man himself great I even saw Spider-Man there which was also like really random but really cool overall I would just say Osaka gave me the best time time
Even though I actually ended up spending a lot of time at the arcade I don’t know man just going out and do on body eating food somewhere it was just so great it was just so nice yeah I didn’t end up really experiencing what like Osaka culture was like so you know the
If they were really like Foreigner friendly I felt like you know I could crash anywhere no staff member was really like oh no we don’t allow foreigners here which I didn’t really experience at all in my holiday but you know that happens sometimes but overall
If I’m going to go back to Japan and if I were to choose any of these cities to go back to Osa would be at the top of my list just I want I really want to go back there like 100% and there you have it that’s my tier list uh from my
Journey to Japan the cities that I have visited let me know down in the comments if you agree or if you disagree or maybe if you have some place in Fukuoka that you really liked and that you were like no Fukuoka it’s great it’s great or even
In Kyoto or hakon you know just talk speak to me you know just speak your mind speak your opinion I like I like talking about Japanese cities you know and maybe I’ll learn something new about it that I can take with me if I ever go back there again I really hope I
Get to go back there again it’s so just absolutely wonderful just great I don’t know if I’m going to make like another video like this just like kind of reflecting on my holiday but going a little bit more in depth I would really like it because I just really like
Reflecting on my holiday and just kind of going through what I did why I did it what happened what what I was thinking because I haven’t really gotten the chance to really out that yet and I kind of you know this is the kind of the best
Place to do such a thing as of this this tier list I kind of wanted to just keep it kind of short and sweet just to let you guys know that OA is is fire my dude it’s just fire you know if I were to go back
To any of these cities Osaka Tokyo and Hiroshima are just top I really want to go back there that’s been it for this episode of reflecting on my journey to Japan got to work out that title but you know if you’re still here thank you for watching
And if you enjoyed leave leave leave a like And subscribe all that good stuff you know I don’t know what the next video is going to be about honestly I really need to brainstorm a lot about what I want to really do with this channel but maybe if you’d like for me
To talk about something or research a topic or whatever then just leave it down below as well I would love to hear such a thing um yeah thank you for watching say
1 Comment
Something a little bit more casual today. Sit down and reflect with me😎 Which city was your favourite?