📌It’s Time to Travel Map


🚃🚶‍♀️How to get to there
2 minute walk from Kamakura Station
MAP: https://maps.app.goo.gl/ZDCqmCow8N4ZHNtq7

Adult (13 years old and over): 1000 yen (7.03 USD / € 6.38).
Children (6 to 12 years old, must be accompanied by a guardian): 700 yen (4.92 USD / € 4.46).
Comes with one drink.

🚃JAPAN RAIL PASS is the economical and convenient means of traveling throughout Japan by rail!!

⌛️Time Stamp
0:00 Opening
0:12 Heading to the Cafe
1:11 Mameshiba Cafe Details
2:07 Meeting the Mameshiba
11:29 Sightseeing in Kamakura
11:56 Rickshaw Ride

♫Ending Music
Akira Okumura (https://lit.link/akiraxxxx)

#CC_for_Subtitle #dogcafe #shibainu #shibaken #japantravel #vlog #asmr

・Titles, descriptions and subtitles done by auto translation so may not be correct.
・The price in the video uses the exchange rate at the time of editing.
・Prices may change depending on the season.
・We may be using affiliate links.

Hi! We’re at Kamakura Station in Kanagawa Prefecture. It’s about an hour from Tokyo. Today, we’re off to the Shibainu Dog (mameshiba) Cafe. The cafe is located on Kamakura’s main tourist street, “Komachi Street.” Look for the torii gate as a landmark⛩ It’s just a 2-minute walk from Kamakura Station. We’ve arrived.

Oh, looks like there’s an owl cafe over there. Hello🦉 The building has the Owl Cafe on the third floor and the Shiba inu (Mameshiba) Cafe on the second. Reservations are not available. You can either wait in line or enter immediately if it’s empty. The front desk has a Japanese vibe.

They also sell lots of Shibainu dog merchandise. The cafe operates on a 30-minute rotation. It costs 1,000 yen (7.03 USD / € 6.38) for adults and 700 yen (4.92 USD / € 4.46) for kids There are English instructions available Though it’s a “cafe,” you can only choose one drink from the vending machine.

They had coffee, juice, and soup, but I went for a strawberry milk🍓 Bringing in outside food or drinks is prohibited. Oops, got two Don’t forget to put the lid on. Let’s go in! Wow! Hello there! As soon as we opened the door, everyone was super excited about the cameras😂

Sorry for surprising you all. We’re friends! The area with the Shibainu (mameshiba) is like a tatami space. Take off your shoes and step over the fence to enter. They all got used to the camera pretty quickly, but they still seem a bit curious. The large room has several traditional Japanese tables, called “chabudai”

With classic Japanese music from the mid-20th century, it feels nostalgic and uniquely Japanese. Choose your favorite table, and then it’s playtime with the Mameshiba! “Mameshiba” refers to a smaller version of the Shiba Inu They are not an official breed and don’t have a standard size.

But males around 30-34 cm and females 28-32 cm are called “Mameshiba.” At this cafe, you can meet Mameshiba ranging from 0 to 10 years old. >> Staff: This is Unagi-Mame Unagi-Mame is a baby Mameshiba born this summer. Here comes the fluffy invasion. What’s?

>> Staff: She really likes it when you rub right in front of his/her ears >> Staff: Ohagi-Mame is a little cuddle bug >> Staff: She’ll let you know when she wants to be petted The staff will tell you about the Mameshiba’s characteristics and how to become friends with them. Meet Fuku-Mame, the eldest.

If you sit cross-legged, she might just hop on. Smiling Fits perfectly on my lap😌 So fluffy Too cute Ohagi-Mame stares intently Want to sit? Cute appeals using the chabudai! Sitting so contentedly. Just like a bread. That curly tail is just perfect. Uni-Mame is very curious about the camera.

>> Staff: She sometimes sit on laps, but it’s rare for them to do so on pants >> Staff: Wanna try? >> Staff: Wow! That’s unusual Holding them is not allowed, but it’s okay if a Mameshiba climbs onto your lap.

They usually prefer sitting on people wearing skirts, but even my husband, wearing jeans, got a visit. So cute Oh, Fuku-Mame woke up. Coming back? Welcome back. How adorable. Shijimi-Mame seems to enjoy having his forehead scratched. Look at those little paws! Enjoy the supreme massage. 🤣🤣🤣

Since Shiba Inus have historically been hunting and guard dogs. So they’re generally known to be alert, and loyal only to their owners. But the Mameshiba here seem to be incredibly affectionate. Hato-Mame is on costume duty. She keeps glancing over at us, curious.

Kichi-Mame, with her gentle eyes, also seems to love having her forehead petted. It’s said that black Shiba Inus are rare, making up only about 10% of the breed. The cafe limits the number of visitors, so it’s not too crowded and there’s plenty of space.

Especially it’s often less crowded on rainy weekdays, we heard. Kofuku-Mame receiving the staff’s ultimate massage. So squishy and expressive The youngest, Unagi-Mame, appears in a bee costume🐝 Looking sleepy. Such a cute baby🍼 Wow. She was a lemon just now, and now she’s a raccoon😂 Around noon, it’s naptime for the Mameshiba.

Many of them are sleeping. Hato-Mame, who had been watching us from a distance the whole time… Finally begins to trust us and moves in closer. She shows her tongue to us as a sign of friendship. Suddenly, the loaf-of-bread Mameshiba start to play🍞🍞 Mameshiba fight Meanwhile, another mameshiba is peacefully asleep, tongue out, unaware. So cute.

Over here, another stands while slowly drifting to sleep. There are several toys in the cafe to play with. So energetic. Some mameshiba prefer stretching out their legs over sitting cross-legged. Totally hooked😂 What is this adorable creature? The cafe operates on a 30-minute rotation. Time flies by… They’re seeing us off🥺

Thank you for playing with us💓 If you have a favorite scene, please let us know in the comments. Bye-bye! There are currently seven Mameshiba cafes nationwide, most of them in tourist spots. Kamakura, known for its temples, shrines, and nature, is a popular tourist spot.

You can stop by traditional Japanese sweet shops and souvenir stores… Or experience Japan by taking a ride in a rickshaw. Explore nearby during your wait or after your Mameshiba Cafe visit. >> Satoshi: All righty, here we go, 1, 2, 3! >> Satoshi: Ebisu-ya Kamakura’s very own Satoshi Arai at your service!

>> Satoshi: Much obliged for havin’ me! >> Satoshi: And we’re off! >> Satoshi: Departure time, let’s go! A rickshaw ride’s charm is in the breeze, scents, and the puller’s guiding. They’re well-versed in the tourist spots, and many can speak English (Satoshi can speaks English too)

>> Satoshi: Right there, what you’re seein’ is the second torii gate >> Satoshi: That’s Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine’s second gate >> Satoshi: If you head further back, you’ll find the third one >> Satoshi: Now, if there’s a second and third gate >> Satoshi: That means the first one is…

>> Satoshi: You can just barely see it, about a kilometer that way >> Satoshi: That one over there is the first gate >> Satoshi: And there’s the red bridge comin’ up >> Satoshi: It’s a bridge featured in a famous movie >> Satoshi: Just look at these autumn leaves, pretty stunning, huh?

>> Satoshi: There used to be pine trees around here >> Satoshi: When the wind blew, the pine needles would rub together >> Satoshi: Making a sound like a koto, hence the name ‘Kotohiki Pine’ (playing koto Pine) >> Satoshi: But the Kotohiki Pine is no more

>> Satoshi: To keep the name alive, the bridge is called ‘Kotohiki Bridge’ >> Satoshi: Love the greenery, with the gradient turnin’ from green to red >> Satoshi: And there’s a beautiful river flowing down there >> Satoshi: You can even spot fireflies >> Satoshi: And eels make their home here too

Wish we could show you all this… Kamakura, home to the famous Great Buddha, boasts about 160 temples and shrines. Rickshaw rides are great for reaching places you can’t on foot, including lesser-known spots. It’s quite something, sharing the road with cars. Fast and fun! >> Satoshi: And here’s our stop.

>> Satoshi: Thank you so much for your precious time today. >> Satoshi: We’ve arrived. >> Satoshi: Thank you very much! Thank you! Thank you for watching until the end🐰🐰 See you next time.


  1. just added it to my list! I'm going March 2024, I was planning to be near Yuigahama beach anyway, and I see there's a really nice hotel close by with those infinity pool onsens

  2. Dogs were super cute and they looked so precious!
    I also have to say that I have a lot of respect for the rikshaw man – I would be dead after 100 meters and he keeps jogging with the rikshaw AND talks at the same time.

  3. Watching this, I was reminded of the Tora Inu or Kai Ken, which is a species of dog that was the inspiration for the Pokémon Growlithe. Even has the same height, weight, and coloration! So, yeah…technically speaking Tora Inu is a Pokémon IRL! (Minus all the fire stuff that can burn your house down, thankfully.)

  4. Wonderfully adorable video to bring in the new year, Mr and Mrs Travel 🐶 Hoping you guys were safe from the terrible earthquakes that struck your lovely country ❤

  5. Cet chien sort vraiment adorable on dirait un croissement entre un chien et un petit ours très belle découverte je ne le dit pas très fort car mom chien a été jaloux 😅 très Bell visite de cette ville et de façon originale merci pour votre travail validé

  6. The rickshaw ride reminds me of the same thing in my country (Cyclos) when I was a kid. But instead of someone pulling the rickshaw, they ride from behind.

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