Cunard Queen Elizabeth… one of the most photographed ships ever built. This video diary let’s you peep from behind the curtains, for a luxury cruise around the Mediterranean. Aboard one of the most glamorous and FAMOUS cruise ships in the World.
Follow us in this enlightening cruise on the Cunard Queen Elizabeth, visiting the gorgeous European cities, as we review what the ship has to offer, some of the daft activities you can get up to! Come with us around the ship’s restaurants, and see for yourself whether the famous Cunard service is really that good?!
This is part 2 of our ‘Cunard Queen Elizabeth Review series’ . You can watch Part 1 here:
#cunard #queenelizabeth #cruise #review
In this episode we cover:
Full ship tour and review
Britannia Dining Room
Grill Restaurants
Grill Suites
Queens Grill
Princess Grill
Queens Room Balcony
Verandah Restaurant
Commodore Lounge
Churchill Cigar Lounge
Yacht Club
Lido Buffet
Room Service
Ocean View cabin
Inside Cabin
Afternoon tea
Gala Dinner
Cafe Carinthia
Cunard cruise ship tour
Cunard Line
Masquerade Ball
Atlantic crossing
Cunard line
Cunard review
Cunard ship tour
Cunard Queen Elizabeth review
The Cunard Queen Elizabeth
Cunard Cruise
Queen Elizabeth Ship Tour
Cunard Queen Elizabeth Food
Cunard Mediterranean Cruise
Cunard Queen Elizabeth Review
Cunard Queen Victoria
Cruise vlog
Cruise ship tour
Cruise ship in storm
We have several other videos on Cunard Cruises. And Transatlantic cruise.
You can watch those videos here:
The complete Guide and ships tour to the Cunard Queen Mary 2:
Preview of Cunard Queen Anne:
Which Cunard Cabin to choose:
What is a Cunard buffet like:
Queen Mary 2- The Coronation Cruise:
The Quirky side of Queen Mary 2:
QM2: A virtual Walk around:
Cunard Documentary
Cruise ship documentary
Luxury cruise ship
Cunard cruise review
Cunard Cruises
Cunard Queen Elizabeth Food
Cunard Queen Elizabeth Ships tour
Cruise Director Sally Sagoe
We compare the Cunard experience to Holland America cruise, Celebrity cruise Edge class ship, Oceania cruise, Regent Seven Seas cruise, Silversea cruise, Princess Cruise, Seabourn cruise, Viking cruise, MSC cruise, P&O cruise, Virgin Voyages cruise, Disney Cruise Line, Saga Cruises, Azamara, Fred Olsen, Marella Cruises, Norwegian Cruise Line NCL, Celebrity Ascent. Cruise deal Cruise promotion
世界で最も有名で最も豪華なクルーズ船の 1 つ、キュナード クイーン エリザベスを体験してください。なぜこれほどエレガントで、伝統的で、そしてとても楽しいのかをビデオでご覧ください。体験はキュナード クイーン メリー 2 と同じくらい優れていますが、より親密で、船内の移動が簡単です。クルーズ船や私たちが訪れるヨーロッパの美しい都市もご紹介します。
Hi, welcome to Ritzy Travel Guide, my name is Bill, we are here bringing you our latest travel reviews from around the globe! We’ll be travelling right around the world on cruise ships, all inclusive resorts, tropical destinations… and the deals of the day.
In this video :
00:00 – Intro
Email :
Hi, my name is Bill! Together with my family we have lived in 5 countries around the world, and spend our life travelling, in both a professional and recreational capacity. The aim of this channel is to give an honest, practical viewpoint, showing exactly what we found, and what tips we may be able to offer. We do not sell vacations, and the objective is to give a fully independent, and real picture. We hope you enjoy the reviews we post. Please do feel free to comment and share. Thanks!
Can't wait! A Thanksgiving treat. 🦃❤😊
We had to cancel our QE cruise the week after yours due to illness…bummer but look forward to seeing your review 😀
All I can say, is you're an excellent narrator👍Thank you for all your wonderful videos.
Excellent video, informative and great entertainment. Looking forward to our first Cunard cruise and these videos very helpful.
This channel is delightful! Love your narrating style and the background music. Just perhaps I will go on a cruise!
Hi, The Queen Anne to the Fjords next August.
I've been mostly RCI, NCL, P&O. We are seriously thinking about a transatlantic crossing on The Queen Mary 2.
We truly appreciate the information in your videos along with the light hearted comments which always makes us smile.
Looking forward to your next video, so please keep up the great work.
Scott Allan.
We Really Enjoy Your Videos. 🤣 This One Had Me Laughing. Thank You For Sharing
The QE is on route to Perth arrives on the 27th last port Bali. We are on her in January to North Queensland for 10days we are looking forward to it we disembarked Royal Princess on Sunday home within 30min we live on the lower North shore of Sydney.
Fantastic video! Your Chanel really is enjoyable to watch. Especially the true day to day activities. I really think the gym on her is fantastic with the views from the treadmills and the large area for Mat work too. Thank you for sharing Cunards Queen Elizabeth..she is beautiful. Really looking forward to seeing Queen Anne too and wondering what the gym will be like on her too 😁
Just one question we are worried about the formal nights it will be very hot in January in Queensland so I may go for cocktail dress etc rather than full formal lifestyle here is different to Europe. What do you think?
Thanks for another fantastic presentation. Absolutely can't wait for our QE cruise.
Thx for your wonderful videos….
We really enjoy your videos!
Love the tone of your vlogs! Additionally find the entertaining footage of 'real life on board' highly informative. Thanks 🙂
Really like the diary gives a great overall view of life on the ship. Particularly like the port information too. Please do include in your future trips! Thanks 😊
My goodness. The crowds in Rome were horrendous. I was last in Rome back in the 70s and there was hardly anyone there. No crowds and no queues. I'm glad I saw it then. We are boarding Queen Elizabeth next week in Fremantle and we're really looking forward to being back on our favourite ship.
How much is the glass ship in the shop I’m going on a cruise in January with my friend Sydney to Tasmania
Great videos. Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth are our favorite ships
Looking forward to this one,got a 14 night booked on the Queen Victoria next year around the Med.First Cunard cruise so any tips are always appreciated!
Joke Incoming
HOW DARE you make us wait all this time for your next video. Denying us your viewers the joy of your dulcet tones and jealously inducing ship board and cruise port experiences. It’s just OUTRAGEOUS!!!!
Ok joke rant over. Well not the part about your dulcet tones that really is true. I throughly enjoyed this video and look forward to more in the series. I do in all honesty wish they came faster but that’s because I enjoy them so much. Though having edited video myself I understand the time required in doing so.
I will say as a point of very minor constructive criticism that the background you used in this one when your on screen at home isn’t my favorite. I much prefer ones like what you used in your last video.
Well done. Can’t wait for the next installment.
This might not be related but can you say where you’re wife got her beautiful mask for the masquerade ball from?… it’s beautiful!
Thanks for the vid.
I am planning my QM2 Transatlantic Crossing for 2025 since this year did not work out this year. I just need to know when Royal Ascot will be held so I can do the crossing afterwards but they will not have that information until April.
Absolutely love your channel, very enjoyable and informative. I really admire your wife keeping fit in the gym (I’m the same myself). I don’t have breakfast, i go the gym as soon as I wake up!
Your self-deprecating humor is spot on as well as your video. Bring more of your wife’s comments in future productions, you are both wonderful.
My wife is from Napoli and I have driven in that scrum several times. I highly recommend to never ever drive in Napoli!! I’ll be in the lookout for your day in Naples diary.
You have once again brightened up our evening in a chilly West Sussex. Your subscribers are increasing rapidly and rightly so. Also, well done for keeping the standards up on Gala Evening as you both made such an effort. Hopefully the some of the other passengers, who made no effort whatsoever, watch this video and feel ashamed. Please keep up the good work. Thank you!
Thank you for the wonderful video. A Cunard cruise will make a nice retirement gift to myself in a couple of years. 😀🚢
Fantastic video Ritzy! Keep them coming.
Hello Bill, always enjoy your videos and this was no exception, well done. I don’t wish to appear “nosey” but do you have a cruise themed “man cave to end all man caves” from where you film your intro and pieces to camera? It looks like you are in a vessel of your own…are you a mariner of some sort? Keep up the good work 👍
Two L’s in Mallorca is pronounced as a Y, same with Pollo or Soller. Great video.
show us the food serve or con be serve
on princes Grill.
Your format is fabulous. Great content here then a suggestion of more in-depth content to follow on with. The comment about the comedian had me rolling. Brilliant. I'm so glad I found your channel.
Just discovered your channel and I'm enjoying it but one thing would add to the pleasure. Your name is Bill but please introduce your wife. She always adds to the fun.
The size of your fish & chips meal is probably smaller because people always complain about how much weight you put on during a a sea cruise!
Entertaining, informative and hilarious all in one. Well done! Been on all Cunard ships, so far. We will be on QE next July in Alaska. Maybe, we will get to meet you on a future voyage. Thanks for taking us along. Keep on cruising.
Loved your video. I chuckled when your wife was commenting about every car having a dent. You cheered up my day with your narration. So nice to see the sun too. We are having a cloudy,dull,damp,cold with wet snow kind of day here in my part of🇨🇦 I really need to get the heck out of here lol!
I just love your narration plus I am a big Cunard fan,,,,,,,,,,,thank you to you both x
How did the pizza taste. You can’t just show us that yummy looking pie and not tell us how you liked it.