INDONESIAN STREET FOOD – In this video, I will take you on an Indonesian street food tour of Solo to try the ultimate ribs, some village BBQ chicken, unique satay, and durian.

To start our crazy Indonesian street food tour, we went to a village an hour away from Solo to have an incredible village BBQ chicken.

Moving on with our crazy Indonesian street food tour, we went for some unique horse meat satay and the world’s most famous fruit, Durian.

The day after, to continue our crazy Indonesian street food tour, we went to Jokowi’s favourite restaurant to have Soto Triwindu, and to finish off our day, we had the ultimate goat ribs and goat satay.

Hope you enjoyed our crazy Indonesian street food tour in Solo.
Stay tuned for more street food videos like this.


1-Ayam Mbok Cimplek
Jl. Raya Ngadirojo – Jatipuro, Kendal Kidul, Jatipurwo, Kec. Jatipuro, Kabupaten Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah 57784

2-Sate Kuda dan Kambing “Bu Endang”
Jl. Keleng – Karanganyar, Manggis, Lalung, Kec. Karanganyar, Kabupaten Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah 57555

3-JAGONYA Durian Solo
Jl. Dewi Sartika No.41, Danukusuman, Kec. Serengan, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57156

4-Soto Triwindu
Jl. Teuku Umar, RT.001/RW.001, Keprabon, Kec. Banjarsari, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57131

5-Sate Kambing & Thengkleng Rica-Rica Pak Manto
Jl. Honggowongso No.36, Sriwedari, Kec. Laweyan, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57141



Buongiorno guys, I’m Max Ginestra.

I’ve always had a dream to travel for food around the world.

I believe that through food we can deeply explore new cultures, and traditions and get to know the people.

In this channel, Abroad and Hungry, I will share my passion for street food and local and traditional cuisine.


  1. Local durian is the best durian. But the minus of local durian is usually small. But compare with import durian, local durian is better

  2. Sudah berapa lama tinggal di Indonesia bung… Cara makanmu dengan tangan.. Sudah seperti terbiasa

  3. Central Java province, especially the city of Kudus, where the typical food is Pe Pesan Garang Asem, Soto Buffalo, Nasi Pindang, Lentog Tanjung, Jenang Kudus, Getuk Nyut.

  4. Hi Max and Shirley

    The chicken on the first day looked amazing wow! and on the 2 nd day the goat looked so delicious!!! Enjoy the journey 🙌🙌🙌🥰

  5. Setiap daerah di Indonesia memiliki makanan khas daerahnya.. Untuk rekomendasi ada banyak dengan citarasa yang khas.. tapi kalau untuk turis atau bule.. biasanya sih wajib ke bali nikmatin makanan khasnya dan pemandangannya.. dan untuk makanan paling umum dan terkenal di indonesia yaitu daerah padang.. nasi kapau dan sate padang.. faktanya tidak ada sate padang di padang..

  6. Soto place I am glad you got everything the lady offerd becose it looked beond tasty as for the others looked yammi as well and gess durian outdid rakfisk lol

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