#philippines #thailand #expatlife
@FlyMeToThePhilippines @Chrissyinlove1993

The 90 EXPAT Plan of Action: When to Start, Where to Go, How much will it cost? Discover an ideal plan to use as a framework as you decide which country to explore. What time frame to begin online dating in Asia. The budget needed and what are your options and detailed expense considerations.

First – Determine which type of Expat you are, and plan accordingly. Are you the Explorer, the Romantic, or the Passport Bro? Knowing your self will determine which aspects of this plan to act on, how much it will cost, where to travel, when to travel and how to engage the opposite sex and plan out a social dating agenda.

A Hybrid plan of action which involves both online dating in Asia, (Christian Filipino, Filipino Cupid, Thailand Cupid, Dating in Asia) and boots on the ground in country. How far in advance should you begin? How to maximize your opportunities online, how to identify a scammer and grifter. When to purchase airfare and book hotels.

What are the best itineraries. Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines… We discuss all these options. Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Seoul, Hanoi, DaNang, Phuket, Chang Mai, Bangkok, Makati, Manila, Cebu City, El Nido, Coron, Boracay, Bohol, Dumaguete, Cagayan de Oro, Davao. We cover all the best travel and dating locations.

Detailed budget estimates are provided for each type of Expat. Thailand Passport Bro, Philippines Romantic looking for a wife, and the world explorer looking for an age gap relationship while traveling the world.

Join us for an exciting discussion as we revel the 90 Day plan of Action for Expats. When to go, Where to Go and How much will it cost.



  1. I disagree with your definition of a Passport Bro. I am one and I married the perfect Filipina I met on Date In Asia, and I flew out to meet her only. Passport Bros are saying "No" to the modern western women and all the toxic rubbish around them. 😊

  2. There is the 4th type, the one who just wants a peaceful retirement , not looking for adventures or partners.

  3. I’m leaving in 6 days for my third scouting trip. This one is to Bali for 10 days then on to Cebu. I’ve only booked 2 hotels for 3 days each. One in Bali to acclimate to the jet lag. Then I’ll determine where to stay based on what I find I’d like to do. When I leave Bali I also booked 3 nights in Cebu. I’ll do the tourist stuff and then rent a car and explore the rest of the island and ferry over to other islands. This trip is 25 days. My girlfriend is joining me at the Manila airport so she will be with me the entire time. This is the first trip with just ourselves. Should be a picture into if we are compatible for a longer period without the kids to entertain.

  4. I think your total cost is really high I recently spent 30 days in the Philippines my total cost came to about 2,200 I skipped all the five-star hotels stayed in moderate hotels and visited five different cities and this included airfare

  5. OK, I figured out the name of the guy that you remind me so much of. His name is Rick Steves. He has been doing travel videos for a long time. His voice and mannerisms are very similar to yours and he has been very successful. I would imagine the same thing will be happening to you! 😎 I’ll get a link to one of his shows and you can watch and compare for yourself. Be right back.

  6. Good morning
    Can I please have your email? I would like to write you to get some advice. I’m coming to the Philippines soon. Thanks

  7. Excellent Video !

    Im the passport bro and i have been doing this for 32 years.

    I normally stay 180 days per trip..

    I know the ins & outs of these countries. Plus where to go & where to shop.

    I normally spend $800-$1500 per month.

    I dont waste and Dont buy Gifts !

    Make the right contacts and the cost will go way down ! 😂

  8. Great info, Rob. Wow! You put a lot of work into this one. I like how you concisely packaged several options for travel including all of the necessary details into one video. This will be one of my reference videos that I refer to over and over when preparing for my trip to the Phils.

  9. I'm 640 Days from a 100% Pension. I'll be 63… Two years before I'm eligible for Medicare. My plan is to travel [or whatever] for two years so I'll be on Travel Medical Insurance… I have relatives in the Philippines, friends in Indonesia & Malaysia. My plan is to spend a couple weeks in about a dozen areas of the Philippines that interest me. If I acclimate, I don't plan on returning to the US to live.

  10. I don’t agree with your definition of passport bro. The romantic is the same as the passport bro and then there is the sexpat.

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