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[4K] People Line Up for Crispy Fried Chicken Intestines, Hot Wings & Feet | Cambodian Street Food

Google Map: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Local+fruit+vendor/@11.5686526,104.9286662,19z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x310951680bb27fcd:0x40bba4bd4ed2addf!8m2!3d11.5686526!4d104.929647!16s%2Fg%2F11n18kn2zw?entry=ttu

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  1. The carved background wall of this video when they are finally cooking is so beautiful. All hand done. You can see how spiritual people with less money opportunity are. I found this when I met my wife in the Philippines. They were the nicest and most talented people and spiritual loving people I have ever met since I was young in the 50's and 60's in California. Once the United States started blossoming to save freedom around the world, Capitalism infiltrated the spiritual side and people started becoming greedy. Thank God for President Biden being the Catholic he is and the hardship he has gone through.

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