Little Tokyo, also known as Little Tokyo Historic District, is an ethnically Japanese American district in downtown Los Angeles and the heart of the largest Japanese-American population in North America. It is also the largest official Japan town in the United States. Japan is an island country in East Asia with neighbor countries like China, South Korea, Taiwan and Russia. Tokyo currently is the capital of Japan.
Little Tokyo is the cultural center for Japanese Americans in Southern California. It was declared a National Historic Landmark District in 1995. Little Tokyo is centered by Japanese Village Plaza and is bounded on the west by Los Angeles Street, on the east by Alameda Street, on the south by 3rd Street, and on the north by First Street, but also includes a substantial portion of the block north of First Street and west of Alameda Street, location of the Japanese American National Museum, the Go For Broke Monument, and a row of historic shops which lines the north side of First Street. Visitors can get a Little Tokyo map with information at 1st street Little Tokyo Visitor Center.
Nisei Week Japanese Festival
Nisei Week 2023, Aug. 12 through 20, is a celebration of Japanese and Japanese American culture and includes many events that are free to the public. Nisei is a generational term for children born outside Japan and to parents who were born in Japan (known as Issei). Nisei Week is one of the longest-running cultural events in the United States, attracting thousands of attendees and tourists each year since 1934.
During this week in August, visitors can attend the Grand parade, enjoy the martial arts performances, ondo dance, and weekend Plaza Festival at the Japanese American Cultural and Community Center. There are many interesting activities with the purpose of cultural education. Please check Nisei Week Japanese Festival web site for more information.
The 83st Nisei Week Grand Parade starting from 4 Pm along 1st street on Sunday, Aug. 13, included dancers, taiko drum performers, participants from local community groups and high schools, elected officials and representatives, and the newly crowned 2023 Nisei Week queen and court.
Plaza Festival, a Saturday’s event, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., include martial arts demonstrations, entertainment and a mini-food festival. The Japanese American Cultural and Community Center is also open to view exhibits: 1st floor for Japanese Calligraphy and Bonsai exhibition, 3rd floor for Japanese Sashiko Demo exhibition, and 5th floor for Japanese Dolls exhibition.
Aug 20, 2023 Tropical Storm Hilary crossed the US-Mexico border into California Sunday evening local time, becoming the first tropical storm in the state since Nora in 1997. The storm pushed into Southern California with fierce wind and heavy downpours as residents faced downed power lines and flooded streets. Plaza Festival is closed to end the Nisei Week 2023.
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