Use Magic AI to plan your next trips!
Japan is one of the most futuristic countries in the world! I just came back for a 12th visit to show you why this country is living in the future! Comment below and let me know if you’ve been to Japan, and what are your favorite spots to visit in the country!
This channel is actually my 2nd YouTube channel, if you want to see longer documentaries from my travels, then head over to my main channel!
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My name is Drew Binsky and I’ve been to all 197 countries in the world. I make travel videos about people, culture, and anything else I find interesting on the road. My ultimate goal is to inspire you to travel far and wide because our planet is beautiful!
► He Is The Ice Man:
► Tallest Humans on Earth:
► Why is Everything Free in Pakistan?:
► 3 Things You Can’t Do in North Korea:
► World’s Strangest City:
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I have been in Okinawa, Japan, in 2007. Okinawa is beautiful and the weather is pleasant.
Russia better
Kyoto is definitely a place I need to go visit.
I don't know, I think most of this stuff is just so gimmicky. The trains of course are amazing and should be used everywhere, but the robotic everything is so off putting to me. I know loneliness is a huge problem in Japan, I can't help but think its exasperated by all this unnecessary technology. Even just little things like talking to a waiter or cashier help build that confidence to talk to strangers.
Japan might be where ai and robots begin. Money moves west. Right now it’s in California. So it’s plausible that it will come from there in around 2040 right when the so called singularity begins. Fun times.
Their technology was great apparently.
recycled footage, great, but recycled
I would love to travel to Tokyo, Japan in the near future. It looks amazing out there. Thanks for sharing

i guess the owners of japan invest more into their peoples infustructre than the us
you know why? they don't have mu$?!m$
because its racially homogenous and conservative/they share similar values
2:20 Drew, I think you have to pull back the beetle's shell to expose the wings and you'll find a wind-up knob to wind it up.
Only 5 more years until we get the first bullet train here in the United States. Which apparently will go-between Vegas and LA in 30 minutes
I tried the website you did an add for in this video. Because I was super excited to see how they integrated AI with travel websites and it sucks. when I did a Hotel Search. It only showed me 2 hotels for the large city that I was searching for. And it displayed the wrong dates and when I change them. It didn't even seem like it was registering that I had changed anything. Even when I gave up on the hotel searching. I want to try some of the other features on it and I couldn't get them to work either.
Drew this is like the seventh video you’ve made on this topic. On top of multiple shorts. I understand that you are interested in this topic and I am too but can’t you post a different video between your big documentaries
Wow Tokyo is wild! definitely somewhere I want to visit
I dont think so.
These are creative and great ways to integrate technology in our every-day life
Is this an old video that was uploaded again?
Japan lacks a/c

so furistic
We just got back from Japan after spending 3 weeks, agree on number 1 for sure. Will miss everything.