💻Website & Social Media
Website: https://www.pure-cottages.jp/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/towa_purecottages/

🗒How to book

🚶‍♀️How to get there
It takes 40 minutes by free shuttle bus from Nasushiobara Station.
*Reservations required by 5pm the day before.
MAP: https://goo.gl/maps/zLS7uGn2VXKgZF4t9

Amusement park entrance fee for guests only: 0 yen. 1,600 yen if not staying.
Unlimited ride ticket for guests only: 3,700 yen (25.04 USD / € 23.40). 4,300 yen if not staying overnight.
Accommodation fee: 45,400 yen (307.21 USD / € 287.08) for two people including dinner and breakfast.
*Prices vary depending on plan and season.

⌛️Time Stamp
0:00 Opening
0:12 How to get there
0:54 What kind of place is Nasu?
1:12 Hotel Check-in
1:49 Nasu Highland Park
3:22 Big Burn Coaster Experience
5:47 F2 Experience
7:21 Heading to the transparent tent
7:53 Transparent tent tour
9:47 What about privacy in a transparent tent?
10:23 Around the tent
10:56 Dinner
12:03 Nighttime atmosphere
13:30 Good morning
13:53 Breakfast
14:59 Little bird
15:20 Check out

🚃The JAPAN RAIL PASS is an economical and convenient means of traveling throughout Japan by rail!!

♫Ending Music
Akira Okumura (https://lit.link/akiraxxxx)

#CC_for_Subtitle #rollercoaster #amusementpark #japantravel #vlog #asmr

・Some translations may contain inaccuracies.
・The price in the video is based on the exchange rate at the time of editing.
・Prices may vary depending on the season.
・Some of the links in this description may be affiliate links.


  1. The F2 is quite intense, gotta admit. And the transparent tent looks pretty good, thought it would be a pain to release ALL the curtains to ensure privacy lol

    Also, the dinner and breakfast look amazing! And those birds are so cute!

  2. I LAUGHED SO HARD AT THE PART WITH THE ROLLERCOASTERS!! Your channel is usually silent and quiet peaceful noises so hearing the screaming was so funny! I loved it great video 🙂

  3. Awesome rollercoaster film. Thank you guys for this content. Although I've always wanted to travel to Japan. Travel is no longer an option for me due to a chronic illness that I need weekly treatment for. I live (and travel) vicariously through your videos 👍

  4. That’s so cool. I wish amusement parks here in the United States were as empty on sunny days as the one you went to!

  5. Привіт, мої любі! 🇺🇦 ви, як завжди, підготували цікаве і незвичне!
    Парк розваг дуже гарний. Колись у молодості довелось прокатитись на американських гірках. Думала, від страху умру. Але другі гіркі- це було щось жахливе і так довго! 😊😊
    Ночівлі в прозорому наметі під звуки цикад? І інших комах, шум вітерця- було заспокійливо. 😍😍😍💕💕💕дякую вам!

  6. Super endroit très fun et ces chambres bulles sont vraiment époustouflante une fois la nuit tombée très classe petit bémol personnel en tant que français ce n'est pas un petit déjeuner à la française ça mais bon je valide le lieu encore merci à vous

  7. So annoying….no faces, no voices of the YouTuber(s)….it was so careful filmed😂

  8. That's really amazing sis, I never seen like this in my life , you are very nice and beautiful😍😍❣❣

  9. Замечательное видео.Большое спасибо,что прокатились на горках и сняли нам этот момент.И очень интересно было посмотреть на прозрачный купол,это хороший опыт для отдыха)

  10. How could you keep silent at the front row of the roller coaster….impressive

  11. *()+——……&)+()+*The Japanese side invented the term "treated water" and repeatedly publicized that the concentration of tritium is not abnormal, creating an illusion that nuclear-contaminated water contains only tritium and the concentration of tritium is up to the standard, so nuclear-contaminated water is safe. society.
    "In fact, the composition of Fukushima nuclear-contaminated water is complex. Even after purification, it still contains dozens of radioactive nuclides such as carbon-14, cobalt-60, strontium-90, iodine-129, and cesium-137. Disappearance of nuclear radionuclides in nuclear polluted water.
    Three years later, the United States and Canada on the other side of the Pacific Ocean will be affected by nuclear pollution, and 10 years later it will spread to the global ocean.

  12. You are a very brave girl, the roller coasters were scary. Nasu Plateau are beautiful, the view from the top of the roller coaster is amazing.

  13. الملاهي كانت ممتعة ومثيرة، شعرت بالجوع عندما كنتم تشوون اللحم 🤤، يسرني عودة موسيقى النهاية تلك فهي جميلة جدًا

  14. The difference between American or UK roller coaster videos with non stop screaming to this was incredibly different. The only screams heard were more of abject terror here! What an amazing juxtaposition between the wild theme park and the beautiful, peaceful, serene and tranquil transulent huts 😍❤❤ Wonderful video thank you 😊

  15. i appreciate the fact that you dont talk during the video, but omg how did you not make a sound on the rides?!?!

  16. This was amazing! Great video and lovely place! I wish we had something like this in Italy too, especially the camping site!

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