🚶‍♀️How to Get There:
40 minutes by ferry from Takamatsu Port
MAP: https://goo.gl/maps/topp1x3W27JVLDps9

🔻Ferry Schedule


⌛️Time stamp
0:00 Opening
0:12 Takamatsu Station
0:52 Ferry ticket price and how to buy
1:43 Ferry departure
2:08 Megijima
2:30 to Ogijima
2:41 About Ogijima
3:22 My first cat, Nene-chan
4:30 Cafe
5:41 Mei-chan
6:03 Start walking on Cat Island
6:07 Zu-chan & Tsuna-chan
7:04 Bibi-chan and Himeka-chan
7:39 Momo-chan
8:27 Can you meet cats even in summer?
8:52 Sen-chan
9:23 Mel-chan
9:51 Koro-chan, Gonta and Kasa
10:34 Shirotabi-kun
11:05 Cat Gallery
12:32 Koro-chan and Gonta
13:24 Walk with Gonta
15:48 Shirotabi-kun and Fence-kun
17:03 Mimi-chan
17:57 Mimi-chan and Hana-chan
18:29 Why some cats have notched ears
19:38 Beautiful sunset and cats on Ogijima
20:41 Morning cat patrol
21:09 Mei-chan and Dora-chan

🚃The JAPAN RAIL PASS is an economical and convenient means of traveling throughout Japan by rail!!

♫Ending Music
Akira Okumura (https://lit.link/akiraxxxx)

#CC_for_Subtitle #catisland #japantravel #vlog

・Some translations may contain inaccuracies.
・The price in the video is based on the exchange rate at the time of editing.
・Prices may vary depending on the season.
・Some of the links in this description may be affiliate links.


  1. 🐈While we met adorable cats even in midsummer, the best seasons to visit Ogijima for the cats are definitely spring or autumn.
    🐈There are a few cafes and eateries on the island, but many only operate on weekends.
    🐈In Japan, cutting a small portion of a cat's ear is a common indicator that it has been neutered or spayed. This isn't unique to this island; it's common on stray cats across Japan.
    🐈In Japan, the sound of cicadas signifies summer. What makes you feel like summer in your country?

    🔻Check out other cat videos

  2. Notched ears means they have been neutered this is usually done in most countries

  3. Tienen casi todos los gatos las orejas cortadas .Me imagino que sera por las peleas entre ellos…..A no es que tienen las orejas cortadas para saber que gato esta castrado..Perdon escribi sin terminar de ver el video….

  4. Wonderful new video! Very relaxing and the cats are so cute. It would be so much fun to live on that island!

  5. Is the Walking Ark made with 3D printer? Is that why it's a 3D art piece?

    Also, the cats are so cute!

  6. C'est vraiment incroyable qu un tel endroit puisse exister un endroit reposant et pittoresque en gros un paradis pour les chats et un paradis pour les hommes merci

  7. Они тоже делятся впечатлениями о людях, о погоде и 😅 угощениях ! С удовольствием совершаю вместе с вами 👏 экскурсию и радует отношение к кошачьим! И шум моря 🐙 тишина и красивая природа только добавляет хорошее настроение 😀 и веру в доброту!! Всего наилучшего и только положительных эмоций! 👍👌🥰

  8. Cats meowing at people is a learned behavior. Meowing in wild cats is only exhibited by kittens meowing to their mother, especially when they’re hungry or need help. Most wild cats don’t meow at all. They’ll growl, hiss and howl when fighting or defending themselves, as well as caterwauling during mating season, but they don’t “meow”. Cats learn to meow to humans because we talk to them and they’ve learned that talking back usually results in positive behavior, like petting or food. These island cats are used to being talked to and getting positive attention from the island residents and tourists, so they’ve learned to meow at people just like a domesticated cat would.

    The cats that look alike and hang out together are likely related.

  9. Our cat was fixed looking 👀😺 at the television 📺 while we were watching this very funny 🤣

  10. Is there a veterinarian on this island to take care of sick or injured cats ?🤷‍♀️ Cats are my favorite pets and I have had many in my lifetime. 🥰❤️👵🏻🇺🇸

  11. Hmm.. where they living when winter coming..??😟
    Must be really cold for those poor cats to be outside all day/night?? 😕

  12. En mi país el sonido característico del verano son los grillos. Hicieron bien en castrarlos a todos, aunque a saber que hicieron con los gatos faltantes, espero que muriesen de vejez y no por matarlos. Qué serviciales y dóciles los gatos y qué habladores son todos, se nota que están muy acostumbrados a la gente.

  13. Arigato gozaimasu!!! I am so thankful that you made this video, I am watching it with my own neko, he really liked to see the other cats!

  14. Clipping the cat's ear is also common practice here in north america especially if is a stray kitty, to indicate they been neutered or spayed. I love how on this island most of the cats have names and are more social and calmer. Doesn't seem like all cat islands are the same when it comes to personality. Had no idea there was more than one. The first one I seen on the internet the cats seemed kind of wild and you can hear more cat fights. This one very peaceful.

  15. cats seem to mainly be saying hi and hoping you give them nice things, like attention and food XD but they are also just happy to be in your presence! Pelle, my own cat, meows like this all the time when he sees us after he's been alone for a bit.

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