Top 45 Largest Immigrants Groups in Japan
0:00 – Top 45 Largest Immigrants Groups in Japan
0:41 – Who are the refugees in Japan?
1:11 – What are the 5 largest immigrant groups?
2:12 – Where are most refugees in Japan from?
3:11 – What is the highest immigrant population in Japan?
4:15 – What are the major immigrant groups in Japan?
4:41 – Which Japanese city has the most immigrants?
5:12 – Where do foreigners live in Japan?
5:31 – Why do so many Brazilians live in Japan?
5:55 – Why do immigrants go to Japan?
6:25 – What are the top 3 ethnic groups in Japn?
7:15 – What are the 3 largest ethnic groups in Japan?
7:55 – What are the largest immigrant groups?
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  1. Fiquei impressionado com número chineses no Japão não, sei que gostam de fazer mas, número brasileiro ser alto no Japão porque tem muito descendente japoneses no Brasil acabam imigrantes por seu país origem, outro motivo tem muito otaku no Brasil sonho deles ir pro Japão

  2. If you love Anime and Japanese Culture, so you could love my music too! I'm a composer 😉

  3. Nice video, I would like one of 100 or less foreign groups in Mexico. A country where there are between 80 and 90 foreign communities, recently there is a growing number of Americans, Canadians, Latin Americans and various Asian and European groups that are residing in a large part of the country, mainly in the capital Mexico City, more than anything else.

  4. Japón necesitas millones de inmigrantes mas, que tengan sus derechos como nuevos residentes, para no desaparecer como la 3ra potencia que no ocurra su declive poblacional, Japón 🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵✅😘💙💚 no puede desaparecer, este pais ha aportado mucho al mundo en investigación, lider en varios sectores economicos. Bueno no solo Japón está en crisis demografica en todos los paises desarrollados hasta USA pero esto se compensa con la inmigración

  5. 案外日本は移民大国ですな!ここ近年はベトナム人インドネシア人スリランカ人が増えたような気がします。多分日本の学校の一クラスには絶対日本人&外国人のハーフの子供は1,2以上居る。純日本人のみの生徒の学校はもう無いと思う。

  6. Never thought that my people Indonesian imigrant group to japan just number 13 only..I thought second or third…the winner is China 😂

  7. アメリカが無差別破壊兵器投入してからベトナム人がめっちゃ増えてるな

  8. Japan is a closed country,
    only 3 million immigrants vs
    124 million native japanese,
    and more than hulf of them do not have
    *green card*, just a permission
    for stay 1, 3, 5 year.

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