
Getting Attacked In Kabukicho (Late Night In Tokyo’s Red Light District)

I spend the month of April in Japan, and during that time I would come to Kabukicho in Shinjuku to drink and make friends. The Touts (guys that try very aggressively to lure you into sketchy bars where you’ll get ripped off/robbed/ drugged etc) were relentless and really annoying. I was explaining to my Japanese friends how it can be rather frustrating as a foreigner dealing with this. One of the touts heard me, got really angry and called for backup then decided to start kicking me and slapping me. Wild times in a wild place!


  1. Looks beautiful there:) I've always been a fan of city's, so I'll have to go see some international city's as soon as possible.

  2. Japan is definitely one of my bucket list countries I want to go to. And these are great tips for when I’m planning my trip. Do you think it’s just as crazy? In that district if you go there earlier in the night like before midnight?

  3. Another experience in life looks really exciting. I can wait to finally go out. And have Crazy adventures like you have. 😂

  4. You're stronger than me. The idea of being deported would not have been on my mind at all. If dude hit me im throwin hands. Unless he's a big Nigerian guy, I suppose…then maybe I run 😂

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