A visit to Miyazakiku Teppanyaki in Osaka to have a big piece of Miyazaki Beef, fried rice and a glass of red wine.
Price: 23400 Yen / 162 USD
Restaurant name: Miyazakiku / Miyazakikan


  1. Pourriez-vous me faire un devis pour 50 mètres linéaire de joints placo plâtre ?..Merci d'avance les rois de la spatule..

  2. The chef said "spicy" after the huge chunk of wasabi you know he was dying lmao. Aden I have been watching your films since you were much smaller. Great to see how you've grown!

  3. 説明が間違っているかもしれないです。 大阪の中央区心斎橋の鉄板焼きを訪れ が正しいと思います。
    May be Wrong. Chuo-ku osaka-shi, Osaka is right. Miyazaki-ku dont exist.

  4. J'ai besoin d'une personne multitâches dans mes chantiers, ok pour la spatule à plâtre, mais pourriez-vous faire la même démonstration avec des truelles de maçon ? J'ai besoin de savoir si vous serez capable de monter des parpaings..

  5. Non ce n'est pas une prostituée, c'est une geisha..
    Non ce n'est pas une tisane, c'est une cérémonie de thé..
    Non ce n'est pas un morceau de viande à moitié cuit, c'est de l'art à la spatule sur une toile chauffante en inox..
    Non ce n'est pas un gros caca dégueulasse, c'est un lit de marrons châtaigne fumé et biodégradable..

  6. pink meat means raw and raw means brain parasites. be careful with that, people.

  7. what i wonder is why do they cook it to such a slow temperature, you usually want a hot surface to get a pronounced crust

  8. 10:23 Lol Aden usually takes the wasabi in whole but the chef was worried "Wasabi? ok, no problem. Chotto Chotto!! (little bit)" 😂😂

  9. I love these videos where there's not a lot of people chatting in the background, so you can hear the sounds of everything more clearly.
    Sort of a cooking ASMR experience.

  10. What happened? you didn't finish your steak and you seemed not to like your soup either….I've been a fan since you started, love your show!

  11. I loved this chef for many reasons. For one, he didn't waste the precious juice and reapplied it over and over. Two, he actually seasoned the steak.

  12. お値段もお手頃で美味しそうなお肉。自分はレアで食べたい。



  13. In the Thai film Hunger, young cook AOY cooks a really thin slice of Wagyu while her boss, luxury chef Paul, indulges in roasting a full Wagyu half which he hangs up in the fancy event center. The meaning of this movie is the same as that of the 2022 American movie called The Menu. There are chefs who make presumptuous food and who are hailed as stars by rich diners who boast of their exquisite taste before their peers and the rest of the world. they eat food that only a guy with too much money can afford but not necessarily the richest. Regarding the Wagyu that is cooked in this video, is it F1, F2 or F3?

  14. En la pelicula tailandesa Hunger, la joven cocinera AOY cocina una lonja de Wagyu realmente delgada en tanto que su jefe, el chef del lujo Paul, se permite asar una mitad completa de Wagyu la cual dispone colgada en el lujoso centro de eventos. El sentido de esta pelicula es el mismo que el de la pelicula estadounidense del 2022 llamada The menu. Existen chef que hacen comida presuntuosa y que son aclamados como estrellas por los ricos comensales que presumen de su exquisito gusto ante sus iguales y el resto del mundo. comen comida que sólo puede permitirse un tipo con demasiado dinero pero que no necesariamente es la mas rica. Con respecto al Wagyu que se cocina en este video es ¿F1, F2 o F3?

  15. To je něco pro ty naše vegetariány😂😂😂,když to vidím tak mám hlad😂😂super videa

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