Living around the World…Japan!

We hope you enjoy this journey through Japan. We lived 3 months in Japan in 2017 and just returned for 16 days to this wonderful country. Tokyo, Kyoto, Hiroshima, Otaru, Sapporo included! We experienced delicious food, excellent music, drink, bullet trains, temples, shrines, history, gardens and more…and the wonderful people! Come travel with us in this video.

Please comment, like and subscribe…what country would you like to visit? What else would you like to see in this country? If you have visited, why would you recommend this place to someone else visit? What did you like about the country?

We are Mike and Tracey. We have traveled and “lived in” more than 50 countries around the world! In 2015 we took a sabbatical from our work, sold our house and cars and began to “live around the world” full time.

Why – Its an amazing planet we live on, a vast place with an incredible variety of beauty in life and landscapes.

We travel to see the beauty. Beauty is everywhere from the cities, big and small to the landscapes, near and far. It is in the people, in the stories, the kindness, smiles, tears and hopes of those we meet.

We travel to look, to see, to explore, to learn…to live around the world!

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Beautiful Music Provided by: My and Jennie @

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