Google Pixel presents Magic Illumination

表参道 フェンディ イルミネーション2022

My PC was down at Nov 30, 2019. This video was edited by just my compact PC.


  1. Beautiful, crystal clear video! So much fun people watching! Gorgeous Christmas lights and decorations! Thank you for filming!

  2. wow thanks for sharing your video. You did also show us all those branded clothing lines along the street.

  3. السلام عليكم ربي يحفظ بلادكم امين رب العالمين🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🇮🇶🇮🇶🇮🇶🇮🇶🇮🇶

  4. Thanks, a pleasure as always enjoy the mind n heart. Peace and love while watching n listening to this Fantasy video! Fantastic lovely Christmas lights are so amazing! Infinite love!🎄💥

  5. I respect your effort to spread the wonderful scenery of our Tokyo all over the world .

    From Tokyo of the Land of the Rising Sun .

    Which national are you watching this video ?

    Already the main street trees and houses here and there are shining brightly with pale , golden colored illuminations and decorations to celebrate Christmas and the New Year .

  6. Beautiful lights. The trees were amazing with their leaves above the lights. And never saw a 'boxed' Christmas tree before. Happy Holidays to you. Thank you for filming this and sharing it.

  7. I love your videos, with that feeling of walking among people, with that beautiful Christmas lighting, thank you very much.

  8. 表参道も、懐かしいなぁ〜10年位前に、行きました。とても、歩道橋から、見た並木風景が、凄く良かった。素晴らしかった。wonderfulと言えよう場所の一つです。また、行きたいなぁ〜と、思ってます。again表参道❣️がんばれ!表参道!⛹🏻‍♂️🎄⭐️🌙😷😭🌼😊❣️❗️

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