It’s true: this Indonesia Travel Vlog is about our first bad day in Indonesia!!!
After exploring Bandung city, we were so excited to check out some other places in Bandung, starting with the town of Lembang. Lembang is about 30 minutes north of Bandung city, up in the mountains. The temperature is a lot cooler up there! We got a hotel along the main road of Lembang to start our exploring day early the next morning. Our first stop was the famous Tangkuban Perahu volcano. After seeing some other amazing volcanos in Sumatra, we were so excited for Tangkuban Perahu!!! We got directions from our hotel and set out on our adventure. First we had to take the white angkot, then we had to change to the orange angkot which we could take almost the whole way to Tangkuban Perahu. When we arrived at the entrance to the volcano, they told us that we had to pay 300,000 Rp each to enter!!! This was the highest price we’d been quoted for anything yet in Indonesia! Even our hotel was only 117,000 Rp/night (we didn’t name it as it wasn’t the best…), so 600,000 Rp total to enter the volcano was out of the question for us! This started our day off very badly as we were really looking forward to Tangkuban Perahu.
We decided to start walking down the road to try to figure out something else to do. We then started talking to some locals with motorcycles who said it was too far to walk to the next place we wanted to go, so we got a ride with them. They took us up the road to Orchid Forest Cikole. We didn’t know much about it other than it said it was a botanical garden. It seemed a lot more geared towards families/instagram photoshoots, however we still had a good time here! We walked through the gardens to see all the orchids, played with some rabbits, and enjoyed a fun game of mini golf. There were some other fun activities you could pay for such as zip lines or horseback riding, but we were actually cold in Lembang!! We decided to leave Orchid Forest Cikole and head to the famous hot springs in Lembang: Sari Ater Hot Springs. We tried to call a Grab taxi to get there and we were lucky that there was a car right at Orchid Forest! I don’t think there are many Grabs in Lembang..
We got to Sari Ater and unfortunately it was Saturday……which means the hot springs were SO busy!!! We paid for our tickets and then we were very confused as there isn’t much information there. Luckily we found some nice massage guys right by the entrance. We wanted to get a foot massage anyway, so they walked us the whole way to the changing rooms so we could change into water attire. We then had a nice massage in the hot water! After the massage we continued to walk around Sari Ater, but the hot springs were so busy!! We actually didn’t get back into the water. We tried to call another Grab to get back, but Sari Ater is too far away from the city that we couldn’t get a car. We ended up walking to the main road and hoping an angkot would come by that we could jump on. We got lucky as we didn’t have to wait too long before jumping on the angkot and getting back to our hotel in Lembang!
I believe Lembang would be a great place to visit IF you can pay the local price for the volcano (30,000 Rp instead of 300,000) and if you go to the hot springs on a weekday when there are less people. Unfortunately we didn’t have the best time 🥺
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00:01 Intro
00:32 Getting Ready to Explore Lembang
01:10 First Angkot
01:49 Tangkuban Perahu Entrance
02:48 Motorcycle Taxi
03:44 Orchid Forest Entrance
05:02 Orchid House
06:12 Photo Spots at Orchid Forest
06:58 Mini Golf
09:12 Winner!!!
09:40 Rabbit Forest
10:18 Indonesian Food Court
10:52 Zip Line
11:33 Waiting for Grab
12:20 Entering Sari Ater
14:15 Hot Springs Massage
16:43 Leaving Sari Ater
17:28 Angkot Back to Lembang
#lembang #bandung #indonesia #tangkubanperahu #orchidforestcikole #sariater #hotsprings
Menanggapi ini Harga udah Peraturan Zaman Pa SBY 2014, dulu Harganya 200ribu dan untuk High Season menjadi 300rb.. Pa RK juga sempat Bilang Tiket Mahal dan Buat di Kaji lagi harganya.. tapi Pengelola tidak Bisa Merubah Harga Sesukanya karena Ada Peraturan dan Pengesahannya… dan Harga Ini Mungkin Akan Terasa Tidak Terlalu Mahal jika Fasilitas disana Baik Bersih Pelayanan yang Ramah.. mengingat di Luar Negri Juga Harganya Hampir sama Untuk Turis bahakan ada Yang Lebih Mahal tapi Point Fasilitas & Kebersihan Terjamin.. jadi ini Kembali ke Fasilitasnya yg harus diperbaiki dan Kebersihannya.
Memang tidak mudah untuk keliling dinegara orang harus ada orang dalam untuk memandu jalan dan biar aman juga tetap semangat untuk natalie dan carles😊😊😊
Yah its islamic calender holiday called eid hajj-eid adha-lebaran haji its reason why many indo family go to tourist destination for picnic-holiday (in this year goverment policy eid adha celebrate 3 day holidays bfore only 1 day holidy) , i honest-not manipulate bndung-wst jva its pretty-beautiful province , to : Nat-Crls hope you both not sad-not h'py couse i just wanna see you both h'py-enjoyed every place you go to visit in wst jva-bndng , hope you both still got good atsmosphear , have new way out for enjoyed nature-got new alternative way for enjoyed new experience , tetap sehat untuk kalian ber2 , tetap berbagi senyum yaah , keep share your smile , salam-terima kasih-adios
Nama negara jadi taruhan tahu..
300k sangat terlalu mahal.. ini tempat wisata alam lho.. kecuali memang buatan manusia
Maafkan atas tidak kenyamanan kami…
Semoga pemerintah setempat segera berbenah.. mengingat di negara maju memasuki taman rata2 gratis…
Now lembang is worst destination for foreign tourist, it's expensive ticket
wisata jawa barat terkenal emang kebanyakan "pungli" sih turlok pun udah paham jadi ga heran😅😅🤣🤣🤣
Hi Natalie and Carles some tourist site in Indonesia normally charges foreigner more expensive than local and its official ticket. Tangkuban Perahu, Prambanan and Borobudur temple ( when you visit Yogyakarta) are the examples. But from my point of view as Indonesian and someone who like traveling to other countries, this price is worth it. I always do google search about the price before i have to go to my destination. When i was in Paris, i go to Louvre and go to the top of Eiffel even though the ticket price is high for Indonesian standard and the queue takes hours.300k rupiah is only the price for lunch for 2 people in Europe, and i will regret if i didn't explore those area. Why government take some money from foreign visitor? i dont know.. some area Like Prambanan and Borobudur Temple are UNESCO World Heritage, maybe they need budget from the tickets for preservation. By the way enjoy your stay in Bandung and Java. There are many things to do outside the tourist path. Tips for you : better hire a car with driver for 12 hours including gasoline maybe around 750.000 rupiah or 50 USD, and you are comfort and free from the rain and lossing time.
Don't forget to follow us on Instagram or facebook for daily travel updates! 🥰🥰
To bad for price… Local goverment should reconsider that stupid price
Hhave a nice day guys 👍
Inilah mengapa pariwisata Indonesia tidak maju karena sangat mahal untuk orang Bule, seharusnya menteri pariwisata atasi masalah ini.
Hari Rabu hingga Minggu itu long holiday weekend karena Idul Adha (Haj Ied). Di Bandung ada permainan "Saung Angklung Udjo" dengan alat musik yang terkenal. Hot Spring nya penuh banget ya. Semoga Carles dan Natalie menyukai Bandung, Ciwidey dan Lembang. Mudah-mudah Natalie dan Carles bisa mengunjungi Kawah Putih (White Crater) di Ciwidey sebagai pengganti Tangkuban Perahu. Kawah Putih juga bagus didekat sana ada "Situ Patenggang" or Patenggang Lake ditengahnya ada small island "Love Island" and "Ciwalini Hot Spring".
Jangan lupa lanjut ke "Dragon Village" dan "Grand Canyon" of West Jawa. Di Jawa Barat ada Kampung Badui Dalam di Bantan mereka masih hidup di semi – historic area.
Di Bogor (near Jakarta) ada "Large Botanical Garden" ini masih Jawa Barat.
Kalo Carles dan Natalie lanjut ke Garut bisa lihat ini: Semoga Natali dan Carles enjoy mengunjungi Bandung dan Surroundings Jawa Barat.
Sandiaga Uno lihat ini, sangat memalukan jika Indonesia kekurangan turis🤦
You guys should go to Gunungkidul Yogyakarta. There is more than 20 beautiful beach (CMIIW) and the ticket entrance is really cheap (5k last week I go there). It's really fun adventure to go there with motorcycle.
next time go some place please rent motorcycle easy go any where you want go.
That's overpriced for the angkot trip. Perhaps you guys should ask other passengers or Google it before taking the trip by angkot. I feel sorry that the driver wasn't honest by not giving the changes money 😢
kalo saya tidak kommentar tentang harga , tapi justru untuk menuju daerah wisata kok trasportasi nya tidak mendukung..!! oh..jawa barat menyedihkan..
you missed one of the greatest attraction in Sari Ater, rafting in a hot water river, sounds cool right?!
300 thousand rupiahs for visiting tangkuban perahu is nothing compare to ticket of coldplay concert in jakarta…. you must pay 3million rupiah to get one ticket hehehe…
Indonesia is kinda like Europe everything is paid even the toilet lol
tidak semua wisman itu berduit, kasihan juga buat yg backpacker kalau harus dibedakan harga ticketnya.
apakah dengan sistem beda harga ticket tidak mempengaruhi kedatangan wisman? saya gak tau.
semoga dengan kebijakan itu wisman tetap datang dan tidak merasa dirugikan.
Next Labuan bajo
I recommend you to visit Sunrise point cukul in pengalengan bandung the view is really beautiful
I just want to recomend you if u visit Sari Ater for the second time later then, u might try the mayangsari pool (exclusive pool) which is less people there or private room hot spring instead. There's available there (ask the guard for the location). It'd be a little bit more cost but it's worthy… have a try!
It’s okay to skip the Tangkuban Perahu Volcano. For 300k IDR It’s not worth the penny. I’m sorry for what U guys experienced with that price and might upset U for a 10 times higher prices. But It’s okay U can still find a lot of exciting place surrounding Bandung areas. Hope U enjoy Ur trips here
Nice… im from lembang
Lol, we play logic, what kind of facilities and what do we get by paying that much, if it doesn't make sense it's better to leave😂
People from Jakarta always come to the city of Bandung or Bogor for a weekend getaway or holidays that’s why its always crowded.