Date taken: June 11-13,2023
Video resolution: 4K UHD

0:00 Kamosō Kachōen Garden Park 加茂荘花鳥園

23:30 開成あじさいの里 Kaisei Ajisai no Sato

26:36 Odawara Castle 小田原城

LENS: Olympus M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 12-40mm F2.8 PRO


  1. Beautiful video as always. So relaxing and enriching. Just what I needed when I was feeling fraught, thank you:)

  2. 4kでの映像🆙がとても綺麗で鮮やかでとても感動しました💯紫陽花の種類も沢山で新しい品種も次々とあり👍目を見張るばかりでした💯そんなに遠くないのにまだ行けてません🙇いつか行って観たいと感じました🙇有難う御座います🙇💖🌹💐💯

  3. Спасибо за труд,благодаря которому я слушаю такую красивую музыку,счастья,добра и удачи

  4. All this is wonderful. But…

    ..We are now living in interesting and responsible times. …The times of the Crosshairs – the choice of their COMMON future – either to die from the climate APART, doing nothing, not undertaking, continuing to be consumed, apart from everyone – is Armageddon, or …, united, start living TOGETHER with the whole planet according to the same laws and enter the 1st stage of the civilization of the Universe – this is the golden age (=creative society).

    ..Our OVERALL choice: 50% + 1 vote. And it is your voice that is important. …But people have such a mess in their heads from all sorts of false information!! And the crosshair times end in December 2024. …The climate is changing for a reason. The climate gives us a kick – for this quick choice – either to live together further or not to live in any way.

    …A scientific report on the real cause of climate change on our planet (the dates of the death of the planet and people) and on the only way for EVERYONE to survive (about a creative society with its 8 foundations) was presented to humanity at the international conferences-online forums on November 12, 2022 and on April 22, 2023 (translated into 150 languages of the world).

  5. Впечатлена красотой и разнообразием гортензий! Это волшебно! Спасибо за вашу работу, вы дарите нам красоту природы! ☺😍😊

  6. 新品種のアジサイは可愛くて、綺麗ですね!素敵な動画をシェアして頂き、ありがとうございました😀🙏🌹💐❤👍

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