Following pilgrimage steps of Ancient Japan
Ethnopunk Journey Part 4 – Day 1

Fukuoka to Itoshima
Distance: 27 km

We are back on track,
MK is in Fukuoka and the Journey continues.

Thanks to all the people we have met and interacted with.
Our journey is special because of you all.

MK & Hari
Away From Known AFK – Ethnopunk

#creativetradition #shamisen #shishimai
#recap #comingsoon

#Japan #Kyoto #Osaka #Kobe #Himeji
#Okayama #Kurashiki #Fukuyama
#Tomonoura #Onomichi #Omishima
#Setonankai #Kure #Hiroshima #Itsukushima
#Iwakuni #Yamaguchi #Hofu #Asa #Shimonoseki #KitaKuyshu #Kokura #Munakata #Fukuoka

#日本 #京都 #大阪 #神戸 #姫路
#岡山 #倉敷 #福山
#鞆の浦 #尾道 #大三島
#瀬戸南海 #呉 #広島 #厳島
#岩国 #山口 #防府 #阿佐 #下関 #北九州 #小倉 #宗像 #福岡 #三味線 #獅子舞

#instrumet company

#japanwalking #japancountryside #Yakushima
#japantravel #kyototravel #osakatravel #hiroshimatravel #fukuokatravel #indiatravel #fashion #festival #food #folk

Music by Ethnopunk

#七福神. ( 7 lucky Gods )
#三味線. ( shamisen )
#日本の音楽 ( Japanese music )
#伝統音楽 ( Traditional music )

Introducing Ethnopunk: Unleashing the Sonic Rebellion!

In a world of cultural homogenization and fading traditions, where the vibrant tapestry of ethnic music risks being forgotten, emerges a genre that defies convention and embraces boundless creativity. Welcome to Ethnopunk, a movement that dares to break away from the past, infusing the present with the spirit of cultural metamorphosis.

Pioneered by visionary artists MK and Hari, Ethnopunk challenges the notion that tradition must remain static. Instead, it advocates for the evolution of ethnic music, weaving together the threads of heritage and innovation. MK and Hari, inspired by their deep love for music and cultural diversity, envisioned Ethnopunk as a pathway to rediscovering our roots and forging new musical landscapes.

In the hands of Ethnopunk, tradition becomes a springboard for unbridled exploration. It is a movement that embraces collaboration and encourages artists from diverse backgrounds to join forces, igniting a fusion of sounds and ideas that transcends boundaries. Through this open exchange, Ethnopunk cultivates a vibrant community, breathing life into a new generation of cultural expressions.

The significance of Ethnopunk in the music world cannot be overstated. It represents a rebellion against the stifling uniformity of globalised music and a celebration of the myriad voices that deserve to be heard. By embracing the ethos of Ethnopunk, we shatter the constraints of the known, venturing into uncharted territory where the past meets the present, and creativity knows no bounds.

Join us as we embark on an extraordinary sonic journey. Together, we will create music that is not just a relic of the past but a living, breathing force that resonates with the world today. Let Ethnopunk be our guiding light, inspiring us to honour our traditions while fearlessly pushing the boundaries of what ethnic music can be.

Welcome to Ethnopunk, where the clash of cultures gives birth to a revolution of sound and the echoes of the past collide with the rhythms of the future. Are you ready to join the rebellion?

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