I spend 2 weeks with the Death Tribe of Indonesia. Their views on life and what happens after is fascinating.
Watch the Full Video: https://youtu.be/Oc-wS-qG0_A


  1. I'm interested, would like to know more. Part of me thinks this is sad, but as a Pagan I am very open minded to other cultures beliefs. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I fully respect other cultures and traditions.
    But I gotta say, celebrating death with more death would have been to much for me handle…this was a whole lot at once.
    I can respect and understand a tradition, but I don't have to personally like it.
    I definitely would have had to step away from this one.
    You have some balls to sit through that😅

    Although it was pretty hard to watch, it was still interesting to see and learn.
    Keep up the videos, love seeing and learning about all the different cultures and traditions around the world.

  3. When you said you tripped I thought something really bad happened for a sec 😭.
    This is because in my culture (Hmong), superstitiously if you trip at a funeral then your spirit might leave your body and get stuck under the dirt. Then you’d need a shaman to come and bring it back.

  4. THIS is basically satanism.
    The devils greatest art is to convince YOU that he doesn't exist….That way he can convince YOU that GOD doesn't exist either and neither do rituals…

  5. I get it's culture but I sure hope that meat gets used otherwise it's a sad and excessive waste.

  6. Wow ☹️ I know it’s someone’s culture, but it’s still so hard to watch animal cruetly. I hope they eat every last bit

  7. You can always go home to wherever you came from and leave those people alone. Nobody asked you to do that and you probably have a monetized page. But I'll leave that alone.

  8. How can this be shown, sacrifice, just because but homesteaders get band by YouTube for farm slaughtering to feed their family & teach others??? What’s up that??

  9. Two things are going through my mind. One, when somebody dies, the eating is real good😊 two, I don't think that I'm ever going to consider too many places in the world as impoverished anymore. Seems like some of the poorest places on earth have more than enough meat to be sacrificed for someone's funeral so I guess they have more than enough meat and food for every day life. am I wrong? I doubt it. Not if you can sacrifice that many animals as a death rite.

  10. What we spend on coffins and plots and undertakers they spend on life

  11. I understand it's culture, but I feel bad for the animals 🙁 But this ritual is incredibly interesting and the way they think about death in that way. it is very interesting.

  12. This reminds me of norse tradition, where they place the dead on a boat and sacrifice different animals and set the boat on fire before pushing it into the water

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