1. Thanks to Johny for giving the familiy an answer! Rest in Peace to the person he found!

  2. How do you remember where the bodies are when you go back out to get the police? The forest all looks the same to me! Thank you for finding these poor souls and giving closure to their loved ones.

  3. Sadly the person made sure he/she wasn't going be seen as to go that far an where it was..so sad 😢..
    JP did you do any investigation's also ?

  4. Are you serious! Man JP is a body finding machine! If a family wants their love one found just hire JP thanks JP, and RIP to the individual found!

  5. Hello my fellow Aussie again mate! Thankyou for giving this tortured soul some dignity by alerting police who will hopefully locate his/her family.

  6. I offer my prayers as a follower of Zen Buddhism as well as Shinto and Wicca. May she find peace as well as all the others. And may you Johnny P stay safe ❤️🙏❤️

  7. Hey Johnny it’s the girl from the Uber last night. Just checked this video out after you told me the story. Amazingly sad content!

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