A day in the life at a Japanese Bakery in Tokyo Japan. This is the working life of a typical Japanese baker and their Japan work culture. We follow the Japan baker during their work hours as well as the morning routine and after work life. Japanese bakeries are known for their unique variety of bread products quite different to their western counterparts, with items such as melon pan, an pan and all kinds of sozai breads. And although rice is a Japanese staple, bread gained in popularity during the meiji period, and in less than 2 centuries, it’s become even more popular than rice. Soft Japanese bread with all sorts of cream and curry fillings, mentaiko and yakisoba toppings is all perfectly suited for the local taste. In Japan, food safety is paramount to showcasing and serving delectable breads. And with Japanese customers equally conscious about cleanliness, it’s almost culturally mandatory for breads to be individually wrapped assuring customers that each piece of bread has been properly handled and no else has touched it. Shokupan is a Japanese milk bread, popular for its milky-sweet taste, undeniable moistness and pillowy cottoncandy like softness often served as breakfast toast or sandwich bread. Different than traditional white bread, it has a richer flavorful experience. The Yudane baking method which originated in Japan is used here. Instead of being cooked, the flour is mixed with boiled water then left to cool down before use, which gelatinizes the starch in the flour resulting in a more tender bread which stays softer for longer.

Aripan Bakery
Location – https://goo.gl/maps/occ511AarD1xnb7y8
IG – @arina_de_panaderia, @arinasuda67
– https://instagram.com/arina_de_panaderia
– https://instagram.com/arinasuda67

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  1. Multiply this work ethic by every person in Japan and you can see why it is an amazing place. Very inspiring, but very hard work.

  2. What’s crazy is the grand mother being Theo from before 6 am to probably past 7 pm. That lady is putting in some hours

  3. While watching her day in life, I find myself wanting to have a taste of her handmade breads. Hahaha! I'm from the Philippines btw… Wahahaha!

  4. It is strange and weird to see Japan so much technologically developed in terms of robots and etc and they still work hard as manual job. You can question if they develop robots why do they work so hard? Makes little sense

  5. Her name "Arina" is the pronounciation for the Spanish word for flour. She seems destined to be a baker. 😊

  6. I agree 100 percent with all the other commenters but can we take a moment to acknowledge how amazing she looks without makeup and having had a terrible nights sleep??? I need her skincare routine.

  7. Great video Paolo. It must've been nice to find a baker that doesn't get up at 2 am lol

  8. funny fact, her name "Arina" sounds like the pronunciation of flour in Spanish ("harina", no H sound when pronouncing.).😄😂 refreshing video, thanks as always ✌

  9. I like her and her husband working life, struggle in the day and have time for family at night. This what i call well balance life😊

  10. i dislike j-bread. nothing to brag about, sorry. I've lived in Japan for 20 years now, and boy do I like the seafood, bbq, the culture, almost everything. but this is not a country that does bread well.
    I know it looks good on the clip, but trust me when I say it tastes dismal compared to anything European.
    And they'll go 'yeah but we won all these international bread-making contests' and blah blah and yes when cooking competitively they'll make a mind-blowing loaf, but the stuff you get down at your local baker? really, really average. everytime I go back to the UK I'll buy a crappy 50p loaf, stick some ham and picallily on that bad boy and sit there in heaven for 30 mins.

  11. Great video as always Paolo! For future videos, would you be able to do a "Day in the Life of a Japanese Nurse" as I am in the nursing industry and would like to see how it works there in Japan?

  12. People should read Martin Spitzer's "The Smartphone Epidemic". Children as young as those start day with minds glued to screens – it is the worst solution possible…

  13. She amazing. She does so much before 7:30 am. She works so quick. I am suprised she opens in the late morning…..but her stuff is so good, her customers wait. Dancer, baker, Mom.

  14. Her name’s Arina and she’s a baker? Makes a lot of sense. Harina is the tagalog word of flour 😂😂

  15. Talk about superwoman! Wow. Raising children is no easy task plus running a bakery -yikes! I hope she will find work/ life balance . Much concern for her – to hear she winded up in hospital because of doing too much. Overall, what an awesome video. Thank you for sharing

  16. Geez the school makes you log what they ate and how much they slept?

  17. Everything's individually wrapped which I understand is a good hygiene practice, but what about using paper bags? From what I've seen, Japanese are very wasteful when it comes to overuse of plastic and things bad for the environment

  18. I want to try that margherita pizza bread and milk bread, yum

  19. I always wonder if these workers usually listen to music, or if they spend the whole working in silence and not talking

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